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Five years ago: Scientology’s ‘disconnection’ and the death of Alexander Jentzsch

[Alexander Jentzsch, age 7]

We have pointed out numerous times that the first week of July in 2012 was perhaps the most eventful in our 22 years of reporting on Scientology. So much was happening that week as the media scrambled to cover the fallout over Katie Holmes splitting from Tom Cruise at the end of []


Our photographer goes back for more Scientology ‘body routing’ on the streets of LA

 The anonymous photographer who captured images of Scientology body routers for us recently was shocked by the story we wrote Tuesday. We discovered that one of the people in his photos was Irving Sorrentini, the 68-year-old father who “disconnected” from his daughter Jamie Sorrentini Lugli in []

When a Scientology ‘body-router’ turns out to be the father you haven’t seen in 7 years

 Well, we didn’t see this coming. On Sunday we published a set of professional-looking photos that were offered to us by one of our readers, who wished to remain anonymous. He had taken the photos outside of a metro station in Los Angeles, where a number of Scientology staff members were handing out []

Scientology disconnection: A toxic policy that punishes innocent people every day of the week

[Brian Sheen and his daughter Spring, before disconnection]

We heard unexpectedly from Brian Sheen yesterday, who told us why today was a grim anniversary for []

Scientology’s Celebrity Whisperer: An inside account of life in the fame-obsessed church

[Quailynn McDaniel and Jenna Elfman]

Quailynn McDaniel was exactly what Scientology was looking for. The yoga instructor was fit and pretty, and her husband worked for a major software []

Billboard up on Sunset Blvd! Calls attention to Scientology ‘disconnection’ only blocks from HQ

 Happy Valentine’s Day, David Miscavige!

Phil and Willie Jones have done it again, putting up a billboard calling attention to Scientology’s cruel “disconnection” policy after raising money on a crowdfunding website. (And thanks to Brett Chance for the photo of how it []

Fed up with Scientology disconnection? Be there to dedicate the new ‘Call Me’ billboard Feb. 18

 It’s one of the things we’ve heard from people who watched Leah Remini’s A&E series Scientology and the Aftermath — what can I do about the abuses that Leah exposed on her []

Putting back a family ripped apart by Scientology can be easier said than done

[Claudio Lugli and his son Flavio, in 1990]

On Thursday, we told you about what appeared to be a new development in Scientology’s “disconnection” policy that rips apart families. Like so many other parents, Claudio and Renata Lugli have not heard from their son Flavio in years because they chose to leave the Church of Scientology []

Scientology, why are you keeping a cancer patient from seeing his only daughter?

 Bernie Headley sounded really good on the phone. And he says for now, he feels good. The lung cancer he was diagnosed with in 2004 went into remission after he had a partial lung removal. It came back in 2014, but radiation treatments seem to have made that dormant as well. But then lesions started []

The new ‘disconnection’ billboard on Sunset Blvd is going to be a Valentine to Scientology

 Previously, Phil Jones revealed the location of his newest “Call Me” anti-disconnection billboard in Los Angeles that will call attention to the Church of Scientology’s practice of splitting up []