[The cadets at Stonelands, with Mark Stevens and Claire Headley circled.]
Another former Scientologist has reached out to us with a harrowing account of what they went through. We’ve confirmed that Mark was known to others who were in the Cadet Org at the time, and we’re honored that he’s allowed us to help him tell […]
We were stunned and saddened to learn that Ned McCrink, formerly Orange County, California’s top Scientology donor, ended his life on Monday morning. He was […]
[Sick Kids]
January 1991, Toronto. I take a spot in one of those molded plastic orange seats tied together in a rack, that have been there forever in the cardiology waiting room at the Hospital for Sick Children – affectionately known to all as Sick Kids. […]
Matt Willis is better known in the UK, where he was part of the pop band Busted and starred in a number of reality shows, and he’s married to another reality TV figure in England, Emma Willis, but the story Matt is telling about his brief foray into Scientology has reached our shores, and it’s […]
We first told you about Brian Sheen’s struggle to reconnect with his grown daughter Springsong in 2015. […]
[Chait in 2011 during the LAX ambush]
Isadore M. “Izzy” Chait, the well known dealer in Asian art and Scientologist OT 8 who fiercely defended the organization, died this morning of kidney failure at a Los Angeles hospital. He was […]
We noticed recently that one of the most important stories we published at the Village Voice is missing a series of audio recordings that go with it. They come from a secretly-recorded tape that captures then-Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis intimidating a church member with the threat of ‘disconnection,’ Scientology’s toxic control mechanism that Davis had […]
In March Leah Remini announced that a couple that she had a family connection with were making public their departure from […]
[Theresa and her son Derek]
We first wrote about Derek Bloch’s story of being victimized by Scientology homophobia back in 2012. He’s continued to be a favorite of ours here in the Underground Bunker, and he’s written on Scientology’s toxic ‘disconnection’ policy for us numerous times. Recently he received some devastating news, and we asked him […]
“I’m eating ice cream here, and I thought of […]