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Stunning letter shows Scientology pitting devotion against family ties

[Derrick and Tammy Synovec]

 TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Tammy Synovec has told us in the past about #Scientology ripping apart her family. Now, she’s found an incredible 1998 letter chastising her late husband for choosing to have kids over []


Scientology lessening the Disconnection madness? Our readers are skeptical

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Yesterday’s dispatch from one of our correspondents, suggesting that Scientology leader David Miscavige might be softening the church’s notorious ‘Disconnection’ policy, turned out to be pretty controversial with our ex-Scientologist readers, and they let []

Family forced disconnection: A wound Scientology won’t stop pouring salt into

[Sunny Pereira and her brother]

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Sunny Pereira is back with another gut-wrenching experience for us: When Scientology not only rips your family apart, but then keeps shoving it in your face, year after year. [What []

When Father’s Day 2024 reminds you that Scientology ripped apart your family

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: [What is this Substack thing, []

Tom Cruise’s ‘religion’: Scientology has kept this family apart for a decade

[Phil and Willie Jones and their kids Mike and Emily]

 As of this week, it’s been 10 years since we’ve seen our kids, Emily and Mike.

Scientology made them disconnect from us once we were out and criticized the cult. There is always a sense of amazement to me that the kids would go along with this []

Scientology said her father was dead. He’s alive, at its secret HQ. But can she see him?

[Bob Ferris and his daughter Liz]

[Today’s guest article is by Jeffrey Augustine and Vanessa LaRose]

In 2004, former Sea Org member and second-generation Scientologist Liz Ferris called the Golden Era Productions phone line in the Hollywood Guaranty Building. She was asking for her father, Sea Org executive Bob []

Scientology at San Diego Comic-Con: Toxic ‘disconnection’ on display again this year

 It’s not all fun and games at the San Diego Comic-Con as far as the Underground Bunker is []

The OT 7s turned away at the gates: A Scientology blunder that reveals so much

[Cindy Plahuta and the under-construction Super Power Building]

After our recent special series about Scientology’s most secretive subsidiary, the Church of Spiritual Technology (part 1, part 2, part 3), we heard from an unlikely source about CST’s bizarre []

What the New Yorker left out of its story about Elisabeth Moss and Scientology

 It’s a simple formula. A successful Hollywood star has a new vehicle launching, and publications line up to interview them to coincide with it. []

When you’re a child in Scientology’s Sea Org, the stress is meant to overwhelm you

[Mark in Clearwater with his grandmother, who died in the Sea Org]

It was night when I landed in Florida after leaving England. I was accompanied by a female stewardess who had been charged with seeing me to a security []