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Leaked document: How Scientology plotted to destroy Bruce Hines

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: In court, Scientology’s attorneys describe the church as an embattled victim of bigotry. Its internal documents paint a different picture. We have another new example for you, a document that takes us into the []


Parents learn the hard way how bad Scientology is for their kids

[Bruce Hines and his then four-year-old boy in Los Angeles]

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: [What is this Substack thing, []

Scientology’s top-down control of its Narconon rehabs? I was part of it.

[Scientology’s biggest Narconon (inset) was once located on an Indian reservation]

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: At the Underground Bunker we’ve provided mountains of evidence that Narconon rehabs are a branch of Scientology, even if Narconon reps say otherwise to []

Scientology’s obsession with secrecy is in its DNA, and it results in absurdities

Obsession with secrets and secrecy is an integral aspect to the bizarre world of Scientology. It seems to me that it stems from some kind of megalomanic paranoia of the founder of that cult, Lafayette Hubbard, and of his successor, David []

Building a Scientology prison camp meant ducking for cover when planes flew by

[An aerial shot from ‘Missing in Happy Valley’]

“Break time!” These words came to me across the valley with urgency. Then I heard other voices repeating the signal. It was a code. It meant that I should stop what I was doing, drop any tools, and immediately walk, not run, to a place where I would []

Life in Scientology: Saving the planet and lining your pockets at the same time!

 Anyone who has been involved in Scientology likely knows about “FSMing.” FSM stands for Field Staff Member. In the 1960s founder L. Ron Hubbard wrote a policy letter that established this []

Bruce Hines: Life in Scientology’s Sea Org was brutal, but it could also be absurd

This is a silly little thing about something that happened while I was in Scientology’s Sea Organization. I laugh every time I think about it. I just find it amusing. And it is a little snapshot of the insane existence inside that []

Bruce Hines: Scientology made David Mayo out to be a villain, but I knew the real man

[David Mayo, 1940-2017]

Something like a dozen years ago I got an email from someone saying that David Mayo had posted on a message board, “I wish I could talk to Bruce Hines about dark matter.” David had started writing some things on one of the anti-Scientology sites, maybe the Ex-Scientologist Message Board or the Operation []

The time Scientology healing was used on a broken bone at Tom Cruise’s house

 The year was 1993 or 1994. It was a brief segment of my 24-year career in Scientology’s “Sea Organization.” The location of my post then was on the “Int Base” (the international headquarters of the entire Scientology network) near Hemet, California. The location of this 500-acre property was top secret in that strange world, known []

Scientology and statistics: How L. Ron Hubbard’s fetish for bureaucracy lives on

[Still frame from a Scientology video about its Flag Building]

It has been commented many many times that statistics are a really big deal in the nutty world of Scientology. It is part of founder L. Ron Hubbard’s “management []