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Former Scientology spy goes to spy on future Scientology ‘Ideal Org’

[Patty made a trip to Beantown for us.]

We hope you remember our podcast episode with Patty Moher, who told us about her history spying for Scientology, as well as her subsequent fun visit to Scientology’s moribund New Haven “Ideal Org” project. We had so much fun with that excursion, she went on []


Scientology has a permit in Austin for this Saturday, but the ‘Ideal Org’ looks unready

What is going on, Dave?

Scientology leader David Miscavige boasted more than a year ago that he was going to open up four new “Ideal Orgs” in the first quarter of 2023, and nothing happened. Then, in November (at the IAS gala) and December (at the New Year’s event) he bragged that the four were definitely []

Ooh la la! Scientology is bursting about its soon-to-open Paris cathouse

Last month we brought you the news from Scientology’s Impact magazine that reported on the whales and their new trophies — the big donors who were feted on November 4 at that IAS Patrons Ball in all of their black-tie []

When will governments get that Scientology has been breaking bad for 70 years?

 In the penultimate episode of the fourth season of Breaking Bad, Walter White becomes determined to wipe out his former boss Gus Fring with a car bomb. While he waits for Fring to go to his car on the fifth floor of a distant parking garage, White watches from the roof of a downtown Albuquerque []

Wait, Scientology has Mary-Ellen of ‘The Waltons’ on the hook for how much now?

[And does John-Boy know?]

Recently, we’ve been learning how much Scientology’s wealthy donors have been forking out as church leader David Miscavige makes a big fundraising push for his remaining “Ideal Org” projects in the []

VIDEO: Scientology’s post-pandemic comeback starts right here, space cadets!

 There’s nothing like a Scientology hype video to get our blood pumping, and we knew you’d want to see this latest offering from the []

Chicago’s big Scientology event looked like a bust: Will this city ever be ‘ideal’?

[Straight up and vertical!]

 On Saturday, a longtime reader of the Underground Bunker who lives in Chicago volunteered for what we hoped might be an exciting []

Something big is happening with Scientology in Chicago today: But will Dave be there?

 All week we’ve been getting ready for Scientology’s big event in Chicago today, but what exactly is going on []

Another Chicago Scientology hype video! But is the Saturday ‘Ideal Org’ event happening?

 Over the weekend, Mike Rinder at his blog suggested that recent materials put out by the Church of Scientology seemed to indicate that the Chicago ‘Ideal Org’ — which has long been finished — might be getting its grand opening this []

VIDEO: Scientology begs for staff in Chicago as it prepares to go ‘ideal’ — as soon as Saturday?

 This weekend, Mike Rinder suggested at his blog that recent chatter coming out of Chicago may indicate that Scientology’s “Ideal Org” there may be having its grand opening as soon as this []