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Arkansas hunter evens the odds with antique-style gun, so deer killed him

[Armed and dangerous]

You’ve no doubt seen the headline going around today, that a hunter was killed by the deer that he shot in []


Viral video: Heartless killing of a defenseless wombat, or cherished native ritual?

You may have seen the viral video to come out of South Australia this week, which shows an off-duty cop named Waylon Johncock stoning a terrorized, defenseless wombat to death while he’s urged on by his pal filming, ‘Hit it! Hit []

Six elephants die in Thai waterfall trying to save a calf, and we’re sick about it

 According to CNN, five adult elephants in Thailand died while trying to save a calf from a waterfall, which also []

Another sign that trophy-hunting-as-conservation is facing real opposition

[Cecil the (late) lion.]

The Telegraph says that anti-hunting organizations are taking advantage of a new report criticizing the dubious conservation claims of trophy hunting to try and kick out pro-hunting groups from the most prestigious conservation body on []

Trophy hunting beneficial to African communities? Boston Globe begs to differ.

[Cecil the lion]

As repugnant as trophy hunting is, it has its defenders. And invariably, they argue that killing lions and elephants in Africa is actually beneficial to the local communities where it []

Hunter comes up with genius way to increase his kill, gets slapped by the feds

 You know, it’s really considerate of ranchers in places like Texas to raise exotic species from overseas so hunters can kill them. It’s just a lot more convenient to shoot a blackbuck, also known as an Indian antelope, without flying all the way over to the []

She was stunned by the lion’s beauty — so she shot it dead

 Have you seen these trophy hunting websites? Seriously, they are something else. This is an actual caption to a photo that we’ve replaced above with an illustration by talented cartoonist Chad Essley. We’re not making this []

‘I buried your dog today’: A searing message for a nameless dog owner

 We ran across this moving tribute written by Diz Schroeder of Montana. She posted it to Facebook on April 5 and made it shareable for the public, and it now has more than 64,000 shares. We thought you’d want to see []

Record moose ‘taken’ in Washington, but don’t say it was gunned down

 The Daily Mail picked up a story written by the Spokesman-Review in Spokane, Washington about a record moose shot by a hunter named Jim []

Hunter’s excuse for killing young elephants doesn’t seem to be working

[Mike Jines is on the right]

We’re a little worried about Mike Jines and his company, TopGen Energy in Forsyth, Georgia. []