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A shaky day handling life and death at Scientology’s Hollywood Celebrity Centre

 I had just finished an interrogation session that I was doing on a Scientology registrar, because she wasn’t making enough money for the org. It wasn’t even actually my job, interrogations, but I was the preferred auditor for whatever []


After ‘Roe,’ can Scientology continue to force Sea Org women into unwanted abortions?

[From ‘No Kids Allowed’: Claire and Marc Headley and their then 2-year-old, Kaiden]

It was a question we heard from a number of our readers and sources after news broke Friday that the US Supreme Court had (as expected) struck down the landmark 1973 opinion Roe v. []

How I know your Scientology files weren’t confidential: It was my job to dig through them

[Sunny at the Hollywood Celebrity Centre]

I was called to the Bosun’s office with no explanation. It wasn’t the first time, and certainly wouldn’t be the last time []

In Scientology the ‘executive’ bossing you around is likely to be half your age

 You can rest when you’re dead. That should be the motto of Scientology’s Sea Org. (It’s actually “We come back,” a not so subtle reference to being an indentured servant working under a billion-year contract, lifetime after lifetime.) []

Kirstie Alley, the Scientology Celebrity Centre, and that time we lost a teenager

[The Hollywood Celebrity Centre]

“Where’s my thisther?” I asked the lady on the other end of the []

How Scientology wrecks the lives of people who never even go near it

[Three generations, taken at the pergola at the Hollywood Celebrity Centre]

Some people don’t have to read a single word about Scientology in the media to know that they will never, ever, be part of that group. They haven’t read anything negative about Scientology, nor have they read anything positive about Scientology. They have never been []

Is Scientology protecting Danny Masterson or is it protecting itself? A Sea Org perspective.

 Yesterday, we asked former Sea Org official Chris Shelton for his thoughts on the Danny Masterson preliminary hearing and its heavy Scientology content. He provided us an overview of how the Scientology mindset was reflected in the hearing. We also asked another former Sea Org official, Sunny Pereira, for her thoughts on some particular Scientology []

In Scientology, ‘making it go right’ is everything, even if it wrecks lives

[Sunny, C/Sing at the Celebrity Centre]

We lived a very different life in the Sea Org, with a completely different understanding of how things were done in the “outside” world. []

Scientology ‘Sea Org’ members are a cut above, and have to prove it day and night

 Sunny Pereira is back, and she brings us another slice of life (so to speak) from the world of around-the-clock work in Scientology’s Sea Organization. Sign your billion-year contracts and dive []

In Scientology’s Sea Org, the terror originates inside your own head

[Sunny and Big Blue]

“EVERYBODY GET OUT OF THE GALLEY!” She came at me, screaming. What was that smell? I started to choke. She grabbed me by the neck and pushed me towards the exit. Everyone was racing out of the galley, holding their hands over their mouths. What was going on []