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VIDEO: This right here is why Scientology is going to clear the planet, you doubters

 On Wednesday we shared a slick new Scientology video that’s intended to get church members to spend lots of money by coming to Clearwater, Florida so they can run around a lighted pole until they []


VIDEO: Watch this, and you will run to Scientology’s ‘spiritual mecca’

 Sunday, we talked about how Scientology leader David Miscavige has reacted to the recent court cases in New York and Los Angeles that put Scientology under intense scrutiny from the nation’s media.

He isn’t taking it well was our []

Scientology actually found the one guy who joined because of a Super Bowl ad

[Fabio, and the 2016 ad that got him]

In 2012, Scientology made a huge tactical mistake, suing a former Sea Org official named Debbie Cook. What was Cook’s crime? She had dared to send around an email to other Scientologists complaining about the direction leader David Miscavige was taking the []

Scientology propaganda even more tone deaf than usual with trial going on

 We want to thank the reader who sent us the latest mailer she received from Scientology along with this note for us: “In light of recent revelations in court, what genius thought now would be a good time to market Chaplain services? In all my years of receiving mailings, I don’t remember ever seeing this []

Jim Meskimen confirms it: The new Scientology ads are about the L.A. mayoral campaign

 Scientology has a lot to worry about right now, what with Mike Rinder on a major media campaign for his new book ‘A Billion Years,’ and the Danny Masterson rape trial going on that is soaked in []

Scientology goes Xtreme! With the pandemic lifted, time to go straight up and vertical!

 Trials involving Scientology going on in Los Angeles and New York? Major trafficking litigation against Scientology in Florida? And Mike Rinder’s book getting major media []

Scientology delivers superpowers, and here are the miracles to prove it!

 It’s that time again! Thanks to one of our correspondents, we have a new column from Scientology’s ‘Advance!’ magazine, its beloved feature, ‘OT Phenomena.’ We can’t get enough of it and we know you can’t []

Scientology scores major success with powerful new publicity effort

 We don’t give Scientology enough credit. We never would have thought the church was savvy enough, or that it had such a good sense of humor about itself, that it could convince Second City Television to reunite for a killer satire of all things L. Ron []

Scientology fundraising is getting both desperate and weirder than usual

 For years now, we’ve posted the especially lengthy fliers that Scientology puts out crowing about the latest fundraiser. And recently, we’ve noticed something new: Scientologists in one part of the country being asked to fork over huge amounts of money in order to fund a new “Ideal Org” in a completely different []

Of course Scientology works — it has graphs and charts and stuff!

[Stuck in life? LRH has a chart for that!]

Leaks like the one we have today are really fascinating to us, because they allow us to put ourselves in the position of Scientologists being hit up by this relentless organization that asks so much from its members, and of course asks for so much of their []