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New government docs show Scientology trying to snow the Justice Dept after Snow White

[Randy Levine and Lawrence Hoffheimer]

Thanks to the indefatigable efforts of researcher R.M. Seibert, we have more government documents about Scientology that have never seen the light of []


Proof that the US government has all it needs to act on Scientology — and it has for 50 years

[Mitchell Rogovin]

We’re curious to see how today’s document hits you. You may cheer at the sight of a top US government lawyer putting the word “church” in quote marks when he refers to Scientology, but when we finished reading this letter, we were []

Freed files: Scenes from a government investigation of Scientology

[E-meter machines being taken away during the 1958 raid in Washington]

In 1958, the Food and Drug Administration raided Scientology’s Washington DC org in an investigation of health claims that the church was making with its “E-meter.” Over the next several years, the FDA conducted an intense and widespread investigation of L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology []

When rabid Scientologists got into a fistfight with US marshals to protect L. Ron Hubbard

[Lancaster Dodd’s Philly arrest in ‘The Master’]

After we got a fun new look at the early days of Dianetics through the never-before-published letters of Don Rogers recently, it motivated us to dive back into some similar documents that our fearless researcher, R.M. Seibert, located for []

For the first time: The FBI file of Gabe Cazares, the Clearwater mayor targeted by Scientology

[Gabe Cazares in 1997]

On August 3, 1976, Gabe Cazares, the Texas-born mayor of Clearwater, Florida, contacted the FBI with a complaint about a letter that had been mailed to several Florida Democratic Party []

Scientology shows no sign of slowing down its use of religious visas for foreign labor

 Last year in January we reported on some stunning new data that researcher R.M. Seibert managed to pry out of the US government with help from the MuckRock website. For years, Scientology watchers like Jeff Jacobsen had noticed that Scientology seemed to rely on foreign workers at its major bases, and that they were being []

When Scientology was in trouble in 1955, L. Ron Hubbard told prosecutor he was a ‘psychologist’

[Hubbard in Phoenix, circa 1955]

One of Scientology’s early run-ins with the law resulted in a remarkable letter by L. Ron Hubbard that has previously never seen the light of day — in it, Hubbard claimed to be a psychologist, and proposed that a vast conspiracy had been aimed at his Phoenix, Arizona operation. It’s a []

DOX: A former L. Ron Hubbard business partner dishes on Scientology to the feds

For more than a year now we’ve been bringing you previously unseen and often startling documents that our friend and researcher R.M. Seibert managed, with the help of the MuckRock website, to pry out of the hands of the Food and Drug Administration in a Freedom of Information Act request. []

On the 30th anniversary of L. Ron Hubbard’s galaxial soul ejection, an obit by an old friend

 Thirty years ago today, this planet lost a singular individual to parts unknown. Lafayette Ronald Hubbard had lived one of the most unique lives in history. He had literally created his own personal navy from crew members who signed pledges to serve him for a billion years. He convinced thousands of people that they could []

When L. Ron Hubbard tried to convince the BBB that Scientology was raking it in

 We’re getting yet closer to that big anniversary — 30 years since L. Ron Hubbard shuffled off this mortal coil to surf the galaxy in thetan form — and so we’re still looking back through our files to remember the Great Thetan in his []