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Scientology celebrates 20 ‘Ideal’ years in Madrid — but leaves out Tom Cruise!

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Scientology leader David Miscavige’s pet project, turning ‘orgs’ into ‘Ideal Orgs,’ got going in 2003, so this week they celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Madrid grand opening. But somehow they left out the []


Tracey McManus heading to Dallas after stellar Scientology reporting in Florida

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Tracey McManus let us know that she’s moving to the Dallas Morning News. We told her we’re thrilled for her career, but sad for the people of Clearwater and its environs in Florida, where []

Mitch Brisker sheds light on Emily Armstrong’s ties to Scientology mom

 TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: In the controversy about Emily Armstrong’s Scientology past and her new gig with Linkin Park, we’ve been looking particularly at her Sea Org mom, Gail. Mitch Brisker was working with Gail as recently as []

Joe Reaiche, 1958-2024: Former Aussie rugby pro turned Scientology whistleblower

 TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: We are devastated to learn that Joe Reaiche died recently while on a business trip to London. A former Aussie rugby pro, he was a key Scientology whistleblower for more than a decade, and []

David Minkoff’s Scientology quackery: the psychiatrist expert’s assessment

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Last week we looked at allegations against notorious Scientology doctor David Minkoff in a wrongful-death lawsuit and a physician’s expert opinion. But this is a case about mental health, so today we have the []

Scientology revives another tradition as it keeps pushing new buildings

 TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: We’ve come nearly a full year since Scientology leader David Miscavige began what appeared to be an effort to shake off the restrictions of the pandemic and restore some of Scientology’s previous traditions, including []

She denied Scientology’s Xenu to the BBC. Now she’s OT 3. Whoopsie!

[“OT III, has been, by far, my favourite OT level.”]

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: She was in Scientology’s first official ‘religious’ wedding in the UK, and it got her on the BBC where she denied that silly Xenu story []

Scientology is the key to happiness! Just ask this guy.

 TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: We know you may have read Scientology success stories in the past. But we were curious to see what you get out of this latest glowing testimonial from the UK headquarters, Saint Hill Manor, []

Family forced disconnection: A wound Scientology won’t stop pouring salt into

[Sunny Pereira and her brother]

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Sunny Pereira is back with another gut-wrenching experience for us: When Scientology not only rips your family apart, but then keeps shoving it in your face, year after year. [What []

David Minkoff, Scientology doctor: The expert’s report on his failure to care for Whitney Mills

TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Yesterday we told you that Scientology donor Dr. David Minkoff has been added as a defendant in the Whitney Mills wrongful-death case, and there were references to experts who were consulted. We thought you’d []