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Scientology hopping mad after Mike Rinder and Claire Headley help out Leah Remini

 Last week, we told you that Mike Rinder and Claire Headley had filed new declarations with the Los Angeles Superior Court to help Leah Remini keep Scientology’s Religious Technology Center (RTC) from wriggling out of her lawsuit against the []


Scientology leader David Miscavige once again denies he’s been served Leah Remini’s lawsuit

Last month, we told you that Leah Remini submitted proof that she’d made another set of attempts to notify Scientology honcho David Miscavige that she’s suing him by sending out process servers to perform “substitute service” on the elusive church []

Mike Rinder and Claire Headley tie RTC to Scientology mayhem for Leah Remini lawsuit

[Mike Rinder ‘handling’ BBC’s John Sweeney before his 2007 defection]

And here it is — the declarations from Mike Rinder and Claire Headley that should keep the Religious Technology Center in Leah Remini’s Scientology []

Leah Remini applauds an MP’s call for investigation of Scientology in the UK

[Leah Remini and British MP Diane Abbott]

Last week we talked to Alexander Barnes-Ross about his stunning news: After writing to his local Member of Parliament (MP) last September about his experiences in Scientology, former Shadow Home Secretary and MP Diane Abbott responded by telling Alex that she has asked HMRC — the UK’s equivalent of []

We’re back in court today as Leah Remini’s lawsuit faces early hurdles

We’ll be back in the courtroom this morning as Judge Randolph Hammock once again takes up some important early matters in Leah Remini’s lawsuit against the Church of []

We’re in LA for the hearing in Leah Remini’s lawsuit against Scientology

Last week Judge Randolph Hammock issued a tentative ruling regarding Scientology’s attempt to cut down Leah Remini’s defamation and harassment lawsuit that she filed in []

Leah Remini wants an injunction to muzzle Scientology, and now we have the church’s reply

[Leah Remini and Scientology attorney William Forman]

We told you that on Friday, Judge Randolph Hammock told both sides in Leah Remini’s lawsuit against the Church of Scientology to stop burying him in filings ahead of what is now an important January 16 []

Judge is fed up with sniping between legal teams for Scientology and Leah Remini

[Leah Remini and Judge Randolph Hammock]

We’ve been telling you how after Leah Remini filed her August 2 lawsuit against Scientology for what she says is a yearslong campaign of harassment, Scientology hit back with a motion to strike much of the lawsuit’s []

How Scientology just doubled-down on its Leah Remini ‘blood on your hands’ lie

[Left: The website Scientology claims inspired a killing in Australia]

On December 6, we told you about some stunning new court documents that Leah Remini’s legal team filed in her lawsuit against the Church of []

New court leak: Scientology lied that Leah Remini had ‘blood on her hands’ in knife slay

As Leah Remini’s Emmy-winning A&E network series Scientology and the Aftermath neared the end of its three-season run in 2019, it was a refrain we were beginning to hear constantly from the Church of Scientology itself: Leah Remini had blood on her []