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Journalist John Connolly dies at 78, was outed in 2011 as Scientology spy by Mike Rinder

[John Connolly in 2013, photo by Rommel Demano/Getty Images]

The New York Post has reported that journalist John Connolly died Saturday at 78 after a brief illness, according to his longtime []


When Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard decided to get tough with squirrels

[Hubbard in England, 1959]

On Thursday we posted another story about Danny Masterson’s rape accusers — three women who are former members of the Church of Scientology and who say they’ve been going through intense harassment since they came forward to the LAPD in 2016 with their allegations about Danny, a prominent celebrity member of the []

PI stalking Leah Remini for Scientology was unlicensed, it turns out

 Last June we brought a big scoop to the Daily Beast: We’d got our hands on some remarkable text messages between private investigators stalking Leah Remini and Jennifer Lopez on behalf of the Church of []

New evidence that private eyes stalking Leah Remini and J-Lo were working for Scientology

[TV polygraph expert Dan Ribacoff and his son Lance]

TV polygraph expert Dan Ribacoff has denied that his private investigators were following Leah Remini on behalf of the Church of Scientology in December 2017 when she was in New York filming a movie with her friend, Jennifer []

Private investigators stalking Leah Remini and Jennifer Lopez: The complete texts

[Leah Remini and Jennifer Lopez on the ‘Second Act’ set. Inset: Yanti ‘Mike’ Greene]

Over at The Daily Beast today we have another big story, and one that we originally started working on three years []

That Scientology spying operation on Anonymous? Yeah, we have video too

 We have even more for you from Scientology’s own files on its operation to surveil the Anonymous movement in Seattle in []

Scientology spying on Anonymous: Leaked from the files of a church private eye

[The black bag department: Russ Andrews]

Saturday we revealed the appearance of one of Scientology’s notorious “black bag department” operators, a private investigator named Russ []

Let’s bring one of Scientology’s most notorious bag men out of the shadows

 The last two days we’ve remarked on Chrissie Carnell-Bixler’s remarkable letter to Congress, and how she is trying her best to explain what it is like to be a former Scientologist who is being harassed by an organization with a very well-earned reputation for retaliating against people who expose its secrets.

Simply put, Scientology is built []

Leah Remini’s podcast: Forbes and Time writer Richard Behar on being a target of Fair Game

 What a treat for us this week as Leah Remini and Mike Rinder spoke with journalist Rich Behar for their podcast. Rich, of course, wrote perhaps the single most important investigation of Scientology of all time with his May 1991 Time magazine article that called Scientology the “Thriving cult of greed and power,” and which []

The Scientology spy who wants desperately to come in from the cold

 So you’ve been spying undercover for the Church of Scientology for years. Decades, in fact. You’ve infiltrated squirrel groups and anti-Scientology protests for the church’s spy wing, the Office of Special Affairs (OSA). You’ve even infiltrated psychiatric facilities in order to feed information to Scientology’s most unhinged front group, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. []