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Remembering Dan Sherman, Scientology’s bad biographer and worse speechwriter

 One thing that’s changed over our years of covering Scientology is that we used to get more videos from big events that featured David Miscavige giving []


Chris Shelton breaks down wild interview with current Scientologist Katie Lohmann

[Andrew Gold and Katie Lohmann]

 YouTuber Andrew Gold, who has done a lot of Scientology-related content mostly focused around Tom Cruise, was reached out to by a Scientology celebrity named Katie Lohmann. She is a model, actress and most notably, a former Playboy Playmate from April 2001 (it appears the Playmate work was well before she []

Here’s the 2023 Scientology Super Bowl ad, this year’s ‘mystery sandwich’

 Right at midnight on February 12, the day that the Super Bowl will take place, Scientology revealed its ad for the big game this year. And once again, it’s a mystery []

Another Chicago Scientology hype video! But is the Saturday ‘Ideal Org’ event happening?

 Over the weekend, Mike Rinder at his blog suggested that recent materials put out by the Church of Scientology seemed to indicate that the Chicago ‘Ideal Org’ — which has long been finished — might be getting its grand opening this []

VIDEO: Scientology begs for staff in Chicago as it prepares to go ‘ideal’ — as soon as Saturday?

 This weekend, Mike Rinder suggested at his blog that recent chatter coming out of Chicago may indicate that Scientology’s “Ideal Org” there may be having its grand opening as soon as this []

VIDEO: This is what you really want out of Scientology, right? Super Power!

[For ten grand or so, you too can put the dilithium crystals into the warp core]

 We’ve saved the best for last: Another of Scientology’s newer promo videos that encourage members to pay for expensive upper-level “technology,” and this one is selling Super []

‘WHOA’: Scientology selling ‘Total Immortality’ in slick new video!

 Yes, once again we have another of Scientology’s newer promo videos that encourage members to pay for expensive upper-level “technology,” and this one is selling total []

VIDEO: Scientology’s latest promo to audit away your own space cooties at home!

 We have for you today another of Scientology’s newer promo videos that encourage members to pay for expensive upper-level []

VIDEO: This right here is why Scientology is going to clear the planet, you doubters

 On Wednesday we shared a slick new Scientology video that’s intended to get church members to spend lots of money by coming to Clearwater, Florida so they can run around a lighted pole until they []

VIDEO: Watch this, and you will run to Scientology’s ‘spiritual mecca’

 Sunday, we talked about how Scientology leader David Miscavige has reacted to the recent court cases in New York and Los Angeles that put Scientology under intense scrutiny from the nation’s media.

He isn’t taking it well was our []