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How Gwyneth Paltrow is helping out Scientology this 9-11

 Since Scientology’s TV channel (we hesitate to call it a “network”) first debuted in 2018, we’ve mostly kept away from it because it’s 24 hours of propaganda and nearly []


Today at Daily Beast: Joe Reaiche threatens to sue Danny Masterson’s sibs over court letters

[Former rugby player Joe Reaiche has a scrum on his hands with his kids Jordan and Alanna Masterson]

Hey, gang, we’re back at The Daily Beast this morning, and how sweet it is.

The publication reached out to us during this week’s chaos following Danny Masterson’s sentencing to 30 years to life in prison and our subsequent []

Read Scientology spokesman Ben Shaw’s latest freakout over the Tampa Bay Times

[Shaw helpfully included this photo of David Miscavige with his letters]

Tampa Bay Times reporter Tracey McManus had another terrific piece yesterday about Scientology’s stranglehold on the downtown of Clearwater, Florida, a city the church surreptitiously invaded in 1975 and has said it wants to turn into the first “Scientology []

Why doesn’t Scientology want you to see these OTs and their success stories?

[Illustration by Chad Essley]

Last month, we told you that Scientology attorney Gary Soter had convinced Substack to remove one of our stories that contained images from a Scientology publication featuring church leader David Miscavige and voice actress Nancy Cartwright, who was being celebrated for donating a new total of $21 million to the []

Scientology fundraising is reaching epic levels of awesomeness, you doubters

 Look, you doubters can tell us that Scientology is shrinking, it’s having a tougher time in the courts, it’s getting the worst press in years, and church leader David Miscavige is hiding under a bed somewhere. But the truth is, the fundraising going on for new ‘Ideal Orgs’ is just hitting its []

Scientology success stories are the bomb: But which continent is most on fire right now?

 TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: It turns out that Scientology is serving up different ‘success stories’ on its digital magazines depending on what part of the world you’re logging in from. We’d love to get your thoughts about which []

OT Phenomena: Ghost stories that entice Scientology members to pay millions

 Here we go again, campers! Our thanks to the reader who sent in the new ‘Advance!’ magazine with its beloved feature, ‘OT Phenomena.’ We can’t get enough of it and we know you can’t []

Scientology has a new champion donor for US church construction — $62.1 MILLION!

 Just a week ago we showed you evidence that Scientology’s big whales are being hit up for huge donations not only for the membership organization, the IAS, but also for building []

Scientology’s latest fundraising brainstorm: Braveheart and big swords!

[Give us your money!]

Here we go again, campers! You know them, Scientology’s ludicrously long fundraising fliers, which come out after a big money-soaked event. And once again, it’s the marks in Toronto who are being []

OH JOY: Scientology has a fundraising survey for you, space pilgrims!

 At Scientology the fundraising never stops. However, you can imagine that the marks get a little wary after a while when they keep getting invited down for the same speakers and topics before they have to open up their []