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Claire Headley Wonders, Was Kirstie Alley Doing Scientology’s “Doubt Formula?”

Kirstie_Alley2Claire Headley is taking us on our journey to train as Scientologists. She and her husband Marc were Sea Org workers who escaped from Scientology’s International Base in 2005. She spent years working with Scientology’s “tech,” and was trusted to oversee the auditing of Tom Cruise. Go here to see the first part in this series.

Claire, with your help we’ve learned something about the courses that Scientologists go through on their journey up the Bridge to Total Freedom. We’ve learned about staring contests and study technology and shattering suppression and the Purification Rundown, to name a few. What’s next?

CLAIRE: Next up is the Scientology Ethics Specialist course. While not officially a step on the Bridge, it’s a step that every Scientologist does. Also, it has some connection to what we’ve been hearing this week about Leah Remini and Kirstie Alley.

THE BUNKER: Do tell!

CLAIRE: OK, for this you would do another round on PTS/SP, and you study and clay demo each of the ethics conditions and their formulas.

In Scientology, each person is always operating in a condition. These conditions are “states of operation,” and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard developed formulas for each of these conditions. The idea was that if you followed those formulas, you could improve your condition.


The conditions are as follows (from the highest condition down to the lowest):

Power Change
Normal Operations

Everything from “Liability” and below are considered “lower conditions.”

THE BUNKER: And Hubbard would apply these definitions not only to individual people but groups. We remember last year, when we were publishing excerpts from his shipboard dispatches on the yacht Apollo, he would assign a condition to the entire crew, as well as to individual people. So a particular Sea Org member might be in “emergency,” but the Apollo itself was in “danger.”

CLAIRE: In theory, there is some common sense here about what sort of state a person might be in at any given time.

But In practice, the condition formulas are turned into an evil political tool. At least that was my experience. Whoever is in charge gets to play God and say who is in the good graces of the Church and who is in trouble, for any reason they so choose.

Up_The_BridgeThe ones that are really interesting are Doubt and Liability and their formulas.

In the Doubt condition, you are in doubt as to which group to be part of. Theoretically, you are deciding between two groups, the one you are in and the one you are considering joining.

Once you have decided, you then “announce the fact publicly to both sides.”

In reality, you will not be allowed to complete a Doubt formula until you decide to stay in Scientology, or the Sea Org — whatever it is you are applying the formula to.

So here’s a really good example. To the rest of the world, Kirstie Alley’s statements in regards to Leah Remini are astoundingly insane. Callous, mean, and downright evil. After all, it is anyone’s right to leave a religion if they so choose. Especially in the case of Scientology.

However, from a Scientology perspective, Kirstie was executing the perfect doubt formula. She was making a very public announcement denouncing Leah’s actions. Now, I’m not saying Kirstie was doing a doubt formula, I’m just saying I think this is a perfect example of one.

And for the Liability formula, you will be required to do the following steps:

— Decide who are your friends: The correct and only accepted answer to this will be ethical (ie. conforming) Scientologists who are actively contributing to Scientology.

— Deliver an effective blow to the enemies of the group one has been pretending to be part of, despite personal danger.

In summary, the ethics specialist course is used as a means of making Scientologists into compliant robots.

THE BUNKER: Can you give me an example of when you were on lower conditions?

CLAIRE: Ouch, that would be a tough one. I did lower conditions hundreds of times, no joke. That’s why the condition formulas are another item on the list of things indelibly committed to memory for me.

I did lower conditions for the first time when I was seven, in the cadet org. For the last five years I was at the Int Base, I and every other staff member (except David Miscavige and his personal staff) were all in lower conditions.

When you’re in lower conditions at the base, you get certain punishments. For example, I lost my “dining privileges.” I was expected to eat any meals outside, next to the garbage dump.

The garbage dump reeked of trash and rotten food. It wasn’t good for the appetite.

Not to mention it was humiliating in the extreme.

So I resorted to living on protein bars, and ended up losing 40 lbs in the process. Not fun.

THE BUNKER: And how does one get back into higher conditions?

CLAIRE: The final step of the Liability formula (the last of the lower conditions) is that you have to request approval from the members to rejoin the group, and you can rejoin only by majority approval.

So in practice, you have to write out everything you did for your Liability formula and then get the majority of the group members to sign it.

THE BUNKER: Somehow, we don’t see Kirstie signing Leah’s Liability formula, if she ever actually tries to get back in. So Claire, how do you move up the upper conditions, and who decides what condition you’re in? Is it about stats?

CLAIRE: Yes, on a general basis, it’s about stats. However, if a senior person decides you’re in a lower condition, it doesn’t matter what your stats are. If you have up stats, you are supposed to be protected.

But if that was ever the case, I never saw it.

THE BUNKER: Thank you, Claire. It appears that ethics conditions are yet another layer of conditioning on our way up the Bridge, another way that we’re programmed to think and act a certain way.

Price this week: $2,000. Total so far: $17,697.


Posted by Tony Ortega on July 16, 2013 at 15:00

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