Scientologists can not only become “patrons” and “laureates” and “meritorious” based on how much money they give to the IAS (Scientology’s main slush fund), they can also become “ambassadors” and “luminaries” if they help pay for book dissemination campaigns.
There are so many ways Scientologists can get fancy trophies and certificates and swag! Why should they have all the fun?
We decided it was about time we started awarding statuses to our amazing commenters, who have been in the trenches with us in this absurd pursuit for many years now.
In this case, the coin of the realm is upvotes, a rough guide to how useful or funny or poignant a comment is. And some of our readers have amassed some pretty huge piles of them. As an incentive for their participation, we’re rewarding our whales with some awfully fun status levels.
Here’s the deal: We did our best to tease out your upvote numbers from the Disqus backend, a process fraught with inconsistency. So please, if you don’t see yourself on the list, let us know so we can add you.
And for heaven’s sake, when you reach a new level of awesomeness, tell us so we can recognize you for it. It’s time your hard work paid off here in the Bunker, and heck, if you come to HowdyCon, we’ll hand out some certs or something. Just don’t expect giant trophies handed out by a coiffed little guy in a tux.
Observer, Panopea Abrupta
Once_Born, Phoebequeen, Robert Eckert
Andrea ‘i-Betty’ Garner, chukicita, Missionary Kid, Phil Jones, PickAnotherID, Sherbet, ze moo
dagobarbz, flyonthewall, Kestrel, Mark Parry-Maddocks, NOLAGirl(Stephanie), Rasha, RMycroft, Shorpy, Snake Plissken
Baby, Graham, Jimmy3, Juicer77, Newiga
Aron, DodoTheLaser, Douglas D. Douglas, Draco, Intergalactic Walrus, Liberated, nottrue, Science Doc
J. Swift, John P., Lousy Ratatouille, Mighty Korgo of Teegeeack, Reyne Meyer, Vaquera
Andrew Robertson, aquaclara, Artoo45, BosonStark, Captain Howdy, Cece (tigger) Smith, chuckbeattyx75to03, daisy, Derek, Eclipse-girl, Eivol Ekdal, Ella Raitch, Frodis73, Harpoona Frittata, Jeb Burton, Jens TINGLEFF, Johnny Tank (Forever Autumn), kemist, Kim O’Brien, madame duran, MaxSpaceman, M.C. Mayo, Michael Leonard Tilse, M L, Mockingbird, OOkpik, OTVIIIisGrrr8!, pluvo, Princess Erika the Radiant, Puget Buckeye, Richard, salin, Suzanna Nielsen
5 Feet Long and Luminous, aegerprimo, Cheap & Nothing Wasted, Chee Chalker, Gflded Kim, gtsix, Jack99, Lina Sithlady, LongtimeLurker, madge filpot, MrsLurksALot, One Human, Qbird, Stan, Sunny, UTR, worstcultever
3feetback-of-COS, Anonymous, beauty for ashes, Bob Crouch, c8h10n4o2, FredEX2, Free Minds Free Hearts, Garumpf, Gladys Kravitz, iampissed, John Prince, Karen de la Carriere, L. Wrong Hubturd, LHS (Nasty Woman), MarcabExpat, Owletalenie, MickeyTheMouse, Sejanus, SuccülentDuck, sugarplumfairy, Techie, TexasBroad, TheLurkingHorror, tigger, Tory Christman, TrevAnon
Ben Franklin, ConcepcionImmaculadaPantalones, davegrille, Glen, jazzlover, Jimbo, just another guy out there, Mat Pesch, Nomo, Pete Griffiths, read my avi, RustyS, Scream Nevermore, Sir smorbie, stillgrace2, Todd Tomorrow, TX Lawyer
AcceptorDisprove, anony bird, Axiom 142, Bob, Calligraph, Chris Shelton (Galactic Patrol), Dee Findlay-DeElizabethan, Different Anonymous, Grisian Farce, HillieOnTheBeach, Independent Scientology News, Jerseygram, Just Hummin’ Along, M from Toronto, Mark Foster, Mick Roberts, monkey, mook, Richard Grant, richelieu jr, sizzle8, Skip Press, Still_On_Your_Side, Sunny Sands, Tone, Valerie Ross, villagedianne, Vistaril
0tessa, andy o, April, Ardent, Bagpuss is my co-pilot!, balletlady, CK, dungeon master, edge, FirstNameUnknown, Fred G. Haseney, Gerard Plourde, Hamtaro, Holy Cow, Ibby, ISNOINews, JaxNGold, Jenyfurrrrr, Jgg2012, joan nieman, LeeAnneClark, Lucille Austero, Marc Headley, mark merlot, mirele, Mooser, Mrs. B (noseinabk), Narapoid, Noesis. outraged, Patty Moher, Phil McKraken, Pierrot, ReallyMGM, Riga G, SarahDB, Shivani33, SLIM, Stacy, The Original Donald, The tree man, TickTockDave, What’sup, WOG with Attitude
Ammo Alamo, Ann B Watson, Betsy, BigMcLargeHuge, bixntram, Cars, Cat Daddy, Chocolate Velvet, Clark Ashton Kutcher, Dawn G., Dr_Orpheus, EmmyD6, FistOfXenu, Geoff Levin, grundöön, Jefferson Hawkins, Jon Hendry, KJP is in Portland, Lliira, mark, MissCandle, Moonshot, MostEthicalPimp, Mrs. V., Nothing to see here, OrangySky, otviii2late, PerpetualOutflow, Peter, PJK, PoisonIvyHerself, RexAinsfree, richelieu jr, Robert Hammond, Sarah James, scnethics, Scott in PT, shasha40, Sibs, Sidney18511, Silence of the Clams, Snippy_X, stanrogers, The Hot Tub of Sadly No!, ThetaBara, Tracy Schmitz, Wayne Borean
10oriocookies, Anion, Anonymous Confused Person, Assez_Rire, aurora50, balletlady, Bavarian Rage, Bella Legosi, Beth, BraveBloggers, David Qeet, downtherabbithole, Fine Young Animal, FromPolandWithLove, George Layton, HTC, Illinoisian, Ivan Mapother, jim, JJ, Jo, Just Dee, Kristin G, Len Zinberg, Lurkness, Mary, Mary_McConnell, Meepthorp, mockingbird, mon elle, N. Graham, Paul V. Tupointeau, PeterBlood, PreferToBeAnon2, pronoia, Ruby, ScientologyDoesNotExist, SciWatcher, SDB, Sh00pZ, Shanester, SnackTheoryConfidential, Suppressive Tomato, SurferJoe, Synthia Fagen, Taffy Sinclair, TheDude, Trashton Porter, triumph, V900, Walter Mitty, Zeruel (Sebastian)
9001, Allie, Almira, argyranthemum, Asillem4, Aslan’s Own, Barbara Angel, Bradley Greenwood, Brian J Sheen, BTs2Free, BumpIt McCarthy, Cosmo Pidgeon, Cosmoneydoc, Davka, ExCult.Jan, Heidi, janedoe2, jimpjorps, Joe Howard, Jon Hunter, JustCallMeMary, Linear13, Lolow0708, Lori Hodgson, mOstSpecialAgent Joe McClaine, Ms. B. Haven, Neil Clark, picketflag247, Racnad, SandiCorrena, Scott H, scottmercer, shellybrittcorrias, Shut Up Oracle, Sir Hemet TC Burlwood VIII, Sookie Sookie, Spike Robinson, Syllabub, t1kk, tetloj, TheMirrorThetan, thetastic, Victoria Pandora, Zana
A bird in the chimney, And I’m Cute Too, anonsparrow, Bert Allen, Bleuler, burythenuts, Captain MustSavage, Chuck Beatty, Commodore H. McCringleberry, DoveAlexa, El Con Blubbard, Exscn staff, Fuzzy, Great White Clam, Grumpy Cat, IASREG, InterestedObserver12, McCarran, otviii2late, Princess Squishy, Rick Alan Ross, rom661, romanesco, Room 101, Schmarty party, Sergeant Pepper, seriouslyWTF, skiesareblue, Snuzey, Stephanie Loving, StudentOflife, Susan black, Sydjazz, UhLasare, WildaBeast
Alice Graves, AnyOldName1, California, Chewkacca, CofS Exit Zone, Couch_Incident, Dave Reams, dchoiceisalwaysrs, DexterSka, Dolly Jones, Drat, Edward Whalley, Ever met an SP?, Exterrier, Faux Gibbler, FleaT, generic sock, Gravitysucks, Interested, InterestedObserver12, jen, Kay, KingofSweden, Kristen, Little Brother Joey(3-7-77), Mike Rinder, Miss Dutch, ombrifuge, Pedro, PRenaud, Sandy, Scientology_411, Simon Tology, SP’Onage, stateofcircle, stellamaris73, Suzy, Unex Skcus, valshifter, Vault Digger, VickiStubing, WhereIsSHE, Xique
Always Amazed, arcinva, baddog5623, Bernie Headley, chequered past, Chris Shugart, daytoncapri, Donna Cline Sargent, Doug Parent, Elegant Mess, endoftheQ, Fink Jonas, Helen Van Patterson Patton, InTheNameOfXenu, jeff, jmh, Kevin Tighe, KNMF, Lady Squash, Linda Clement, NiiiceKittyKittyKitty, Paulette Cooper Noble, Red Carpet 776, saksin, Sarcasmo, scamofscientology, Semper Phi, Spacer, Stefan, Verve, Xenu is my Homeboy
Barry Johnson, deanblair, David E Love, Dibythesea, DMSTCC, DrGreatCham, FollowTheMoney, Franklin Adams, Grisian Farce, Hana Eltringham Whitfield, Interested2, InterestedinCrazy, itsIBBy, Jenny Griffith, Joey Dentures, Jon S, Larry, K2P2(KnitNut), Macallan, Mareka Backus, Marta, May_West, Minion Gayle, MM, Noni Mause, Orglodyte, Pierohi, Scientia, Sir_Real, Troy MacGyver SP, V Vendetta, Warrior, whingeybingey, woodrose
Allioops, Are_sics, BareFacedMessiah, BeezleBobby, Beverly, Casabeca, CB_Tells, Charles Murdoch, Charlotte, CoolHand, Cupcakes for Breakfast, Dancing Cranberry, disco george, Elendira, Emily, Flying High, George M. White, HolyCash, Imelda Marcos, ISNOINews, ithilien, J238, Jen Hanson Gruber, Jesse Prince, Jonathan Cummings, Jonny Jacobsen, JustSheila, Kitz, Kristin Rawls, Mark Bunker, Midwest Mom, Miss Cabbage, Mymy88, org-rat 1003, osofine, philosofa, pixie dust, SignsOfSuccess, Skabetti, SRI foxi, Susan B., trow125, USA MRIID, Willie Jones, Xenu’s son.
AAx, Alexander_Supertramp, AmoVolare, AutOmatic, BabySmurfette, cymboli, Dean Fox, dwayners13, Elen, ElleGee, FleaT, FOTF2012, Fly Lady, HeatherGraceful, jane456, Jenstnick, jere Lull (40 years recovering), Jon Atack, Joy Lover (Ex-CS), Justmeteehee, Kimmy3, LongNeckGoose, Marie Claire Wolf, MarionDee, Mark Weeks, mikecrosby, moonfire, NaplesFLA, NeverIn, Not a Scientologist Butt, ParticleMom, Peggy oh!, PP, QbirdTwo, Qua!uc, Robert Hanna Moore, RK, Robin Descamp, Roger Y, Royce Harlow, Saint, Sam SanAntonio, Smidget, Stephenie Loving, Username, vistaril_LOL, Wog
Denise Brennan, Steve ‘Captain Howdy’ Cox, Bernie Headley, Andreas Heldal-Lund, Molly ‘Puget Buckeye’ Kell, Mary ‘Sugarplumfairy’ Marinelli, Nan McLean, Ron Miscavige, Trish ‘Daisy’ Nichol, Mark ‘Warrior’ Plummer, Mike Rinder, Cece ‘Tigger’ Smith, Simi Valley
Posted by Tony Ortega on October 5, 2018 at 07:00
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Our book, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely: How the Church of Scientology tried to destroy Paulette Cooper, is on sale at Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook versions. We’ve posted photographs of Paulette and scenes from her life at a separate location. Reader Sookie put together a complete index. More information can also be found at the book’s dedicated page.
The Best of the Underground Bunker, 1995-2017 Just starting out here? We’ve picked out the most important stories we’ve covered here at the Undergound Bunker (2012-2017), The Village Voice (2008-2012), New Times Los Angeles (1999-2002) and the Phoenix New Times (1995-1999)
Learn about Scientology with our numerous series with experts…
BLOGGING DIANETICS: We read Scientology’s founding text cover to cover with the help of L.A. attorney and former church member Vance Woodward
UP THE BRIDGE: Claire Headley and Bruce Hines train us as Scientologists
GETTING OUR ETHICS IN: Jefferson Hawkins explains Scientology’s system of justice
SCIENTOLOGY MYTHBUSTING: Historian Jon Atack discusses key Scientology concepts
Other links: Shelly Miscavige, ten years gone | The Lisa McPherson story told in real time | The Cathriona White stories | The Leah Remini ‘Knowledge Reports’ | Hear audio of a Scientology excommunication | Scientology’s little day care of horrors | Whatever happened to Steve Fishman? | Felony charges for Scientology’s drug rehab scam | Why Scientology digs bomb-proof vaults in the desert | PZ Myers reads L. Ron Hubbard’s “A History of Man” | Scientology’s Master Spies | The mystery of the richest Scientologist and his wayward sons | Scientology’s shocking mistreatment of the mentally ill | The Underground Bunker’s Official Theme Song | The Underground Bunker FAQ
Our non-Scientology stories: Robert Burnham Jr., the man who inscribed the universe | Notorious alt-right inspiration Kevin MacDonald and his theories about Jewish DNA | The selling of the “Phoenix Lights” | Astronomer Harlow Shapley‘s FBI file | Sex, spies, and local TV news