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Tabs keep telling us Tom Cruise is ditching Scientology, and always with zero evidence

 How many times have the tabloids written this story, that Tom Cruise is maybe, perhaps, leaving Scientology, basing that claim on nameless “insiders” whose quotes always turn out to be built on pure []


Can someone let Tom Cruise know that his Scientology bandleader has died?

 In 2004, as part of the plan to turn Tom Cruise into the most gung-ho Scientologist on the planet, church leader David Miscavige threw a special surprise birthday party for the Top Gun actor on the church’s private cruise ship, the []

Tom Cruise said he needed only an hour to sell Scientology: What would he do in that hour?

[Tom Cruise and Judd Apatow]

On Tuesday, we showed you a couple of pages from Seth Rogen’s new book which included a bizarre 2006 encounter with actor Tom Cruise. Among the strange things Cruise claimed, according to Rogen, was that he needed just an hour to convince Rogen and Judd Apatow that everything they thought they []

Seth Rogen: Tom Cruise claimed that Big Pharma is trying to make him look insane

 The Tom Cruise revelations keep coming. On Twitter, journalist Yashar Ali posted a couple of pages taken from Seth Rogen’s new book which contain a wild anecdote about a conversation Rogen claims he had with the Top Gun []

Don’t congratulate Tom Cruise until he gives back the award that really matters

 We learned yesterday that Tom Cruise joined a growing protest against the Hollywood Foreign Press Association — the sketchy group behind the Golden Globes awards — by returning his three Globes []

A fight against Scientology ‘disconnection’ now a remarkable illustrated book

 We first told you about Brian Sheen’s struggle to reconnect with his grown daughter Springsong in 2015. []

Tom Cruise doesn’t want you to visit his camera-heavy condo in Scientology’s mecca

 It’s fun to hear from Clay Irwin again, who sent us some snapshots. []

Tom Cruise rant reminds Tom DeVocht: Miscavige eyed Cruise as high Scientology official

[Tom DeVocht and Tom Cruise]

You’ve heard from Mike Rinder and from Leah Remini about Tom Cruise’s Covid rant that is the talk of social []

EXCLUSIVE: Leah Remini on Tom Cruise’s Covid rant in its Scientology context

 Leah Remini sent us this statement about Tom Cruise’s on-set rant that was caught on tape and released by the Sun []

Tom Cruise rant: Sensible Covid frustration, or insane Scientology screed?

The social media reactions to the Sun’s big scoop, a recording of Tom Cruise going off on the Mission Impossible 7 crew for not being careful enough about social distancing, are all over the []