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Biden actually being in control is really throwing Q patriots for a loop

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Who let the troll into the Q []


Pfizer announces it’s working on a pill for Covid, and Q patriots suggest where to put it

[A new glimpse of David Dees prepares you for more crazy]

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Patriots react to news of a Covid []

Michael Flynn brother sues CNN over QAnon link, but vid shows they took the QAnon oath

[Flynn and family, taking the QAnon oath]

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The struggle is real, people. Sure, you try breaking it to your husband that the earth is flat and that Biden is in a fake White []

Q patriots: How we gonna fly without vaccines? Fake passports!

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Get yer bitcoin ready to nab a black-market vaccine passport, []

Genius Q patriots decide that the ship stuck in the Suez canal is part of the cabal

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As an HBO series piles on with others that have suggested Q is actually a former pig farmer in the Philippines and his asocial son, Q patriots vow never to give []

Predictably, Q patriots decry the Boulder shooting as staged ‘false flag’

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Save the non-existent children in non-existent tunnels under the White House, but the Boulder shooting is all fake and set up by the Dems to take our guns. These are your friends and neighbors, []

Q patriots seem unfazed by HBO’s first two episodes of ‘Into the Storm’

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Reactions to the new HBO documentary are starting to go through the Q []

With Q quiet, others maneuver to take over lunatic (and lucrative) mantle

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Maybe those kids at the border are actually the ones the military is saving with Trump’s help? []

Q patriots wrestle with Putin’s place in the plan: Is he on ‘our’ side?

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Patriots struggle with where Putin fits in the []

Marjorie Taylor Greene launches new excuse for Jewish space laser kerfuffle

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Green for St. Patrick’s Day? But it must be a signal. It must []