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Another hype video! Scientology still begging members to go to the cruise ship’s ‘OT Bubble’

 For the past sixteen months Scientology’s private cruise ship the Freewinds has been stuck in port in Aruba, and there’s no sign that it’s hitting the high seas again any time []


Scientology’s full report on its ‘All-Ideal USA’ blowout! It’s a fundraising juggernaut!

 For several weeks we’ve been posting Scientology’s advertising for its big June 27 “All-Ideal USA” fundraising event, the closest the organization gets to a big international event these days as the pandemic hangs []

Take Scientology’s quiz to see if you qualify for the Sea Org and its billion-year contract!

 Remember Jasper? We featured his Sea Org advertisement the other day, but we noticed later that it was a mailer from the New York org that encouraged Scientologists to fill out a questionnaire to test their interest in joining that most theta of Scientology initiatives, the Sea []

Scientology miracles from its 1980s heyday: How do they compare to today?

 On Sunday we brought you the latest ‘OT Phenomena’ from a new issue of Scientology’s magazine ‘Advance!’ []

Scientology’s OT powers have survived the pandemic: Here are the miracles to prove it!

 It’s that time again! Our thanks to the reader who sent in the new ‘Advance!’ magazine with its beloved feature, ‘OT Phenomena.’ We can’t get enough of it and we know you can’t []

Finally, truth in Scientology advertising: What an ‘Ideal USA’ would really look like

 Hype videos for Scientology fundraising is of course one of our favorite genres of human []

Scientology has been desperate to produce results in Texas for a very long time

[Another failed rain dance for Austin?]

I was a Sea Org management executive for the western United States for about nine years, a veritable eternity to hold a single job in the Sea Org. In that capacity and later when doing other Sea Org jobs, I visited almost all of the Scientology churches west of the []

Scientology’s heyday: When you got golden tickets for past-life therapy

[Charlie, you’re going to Flag!]

We’re continuing to go through a remarkable cache of pristine Scientology materials from the mid-1980s that a former ‘OT’ church member recently sent []

Scientology sends out a deluge of mailers as its newest Texas location prepares to open

 We’re getting the sense that Scientology leader David Miscavige is itching to cut the ribbon on his new “Ideal Org” in Austin, Texas. That’s one of the renovations that he had nearly completed when the pandemic shut everything down in March 2020. []

When going OT was the bomb: Testimonials about Scientology in its heyday

 We recently came into possession of a remarkable cache of Scientology materials from the mid 1980s, and the condition they are in is pretty stunning. Some of this stuff looks like it just came from the []