TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard was a disaster in the actual US Navy, but he got his revenge later when he created his very own armada! To this day the ‘Sea Org’ is a […]
TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: One of Scientology’s oddest scams is the way it avoids taxes in England with an address at a leased storefront in Australia, of all places. But now that dump is for sale, so Alex […]
TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: No matter how grim things seem to be for Scientology, it never gives up. And specifically, it never stops begging its remaining members for huge mountains of cash. Our tipsters passed along a couple […]
TODAY AT SUBSTACK: If you’ve signed up for free emails at Substack, you will receive today’s feature story at your inbox: Thousands of Scientologists, descending on the evil psychiatrists who were having their annual convention in New York City, and only a pleasant bike ride from where we happened to be? We were pumped! [What […]
2.45pm. East Court. East Grinstead. Suited and booted, documents in hand. It’s showtime.
Today, after five months of back-and-forth with East Grinstead Town Council over their close association with the Church of Scientology, I finally set foot in the local government offices for the first time for a face-to-face meeting with two elected […]
[Mayor Visser enjoying himself on Scientology’s stage]
We have something pretty special for you today, and we need to do a little work to explain what it’s all […]
[Scientology superheroes keep shrinking]
Are Scientology OTs losing their powers? Or have they just given up sharing their amazing feats of supernatural ability with the editors of Scientology’s Advance! […]
[Phil Jones and his newest billboard on Monday morning.]
When we spoke to Phil Jones last night, he had just arrived back home in Canada after his flight from Los Angeles, and he sounded tired and a bit bewildered by what he’d been through over the last few […]
It was April 2016 when we first launched our ‘Call Me’ billboards. The first one we did was in Los Angeles. From there we did a billboard in Clearwater, Florida and another in Los Angeles near the Scientology Media Productions site. There was lots of press that resulted which went on for some months afterwards. […]
We know you’re hearing some pretty grim things about Scientology’s prospects these days, with dwindling membership, damning lawsuits, and terrible press, but as we never hesitate to point out, Scientology never gives […]