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EXCLUSIVE: Recent deaths of Scientology rehab staffers points to ongoing problem

 Rod Keller watches Scientology social media for us, and this week he got wind of the death of a former Narconon staff member. As he looked into it further, Rod discovered a disturbing []


Scientology in Ireland is nearly dead: Here’s how Tom Cruise & the gang plan to bring it back

Rod Keller keeps an eye on Scientology social media for us, and on Sundays he dives into the latest happenings with the organization’s many front groups. This time, he’s taking us to Ireland, where a new strategy is unfolding. Take it away, []

In the wake of raids, Scientology’s sneaky consulting front shrinks markedly in Russia

 Rod Keller keeps an eye on Scientology social media for us, and on Sundays he dives into the latest happenings with the organization’s many front groups. This time, he’s taking us to Russia, where things have taken a turn for the worse. Take it away, []

How Scientology repackages itself and takes in the New York Police Department and NY schools

[Former City Councilman Dan Halloran (center), in 2013 with Bernard and Meghan Fialkoff]

Often, over the past few years, we’ve pointed out time and again that a Queens dentist, Bernard Fialkoff, and his daughter, the glamorous Meghan Fialkoff, have infiltrated New York City’s schools and police precincts with their Scientology-sponsored anti-drug campaign which is intended to []

Florida AG Pam Bondi hosting human rights event at human rights abuser Scientology’s HQ

 UPDATE: Photos from today’s Advanced Org opening in Australia posted below.

Rod Keller keeps an eye on Scientology social media for us, and this week he spotted a doozy. Take it away, []

How Scientology’s anti-psychiatry front turns a real controversy into fake outrage

[The Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California]

Rod Keller keeps an eye on Scientology social media for us, and this week he spotted something he decided to dive into in more depth. Take it away, []

Who are the clergy Scientology convinces to attend its ‘interfaith’ farces?

Rod Keller keeps an eye on Scientology social media for us, and this week he spotted something he decided to dive into in more depth. Take it away, []

Got a Purple Heart? Scientology wants to exploit you

Rod Keller keeps an eye on Scientology social media for us, and this week he spotted something he decided to dive into in more depth. Take it away, []

Scientology’s sneaky anti-psychiatry front has found a new way to target kids in Florida

 It’s time again for Rod Keller’s Scientology Social Media Review. He’s made a specialty of hunting down the odd and wonderful things Scientologists post to the ‘net. He’s a chronicler who piece by piece builds a highly detailed assessment of what Scientology is doing around the world, and this is what he found for us []

Harlem gets its Scientology ‘Ideal Org’ today, and David Miscavige doesn’t want you there

 It’s time again for Rod Keller’s Scientology Social Media Review. He’s made a specialty of hunting down the odd and wonderful things Scientologists post to the ‘net. He’s a chronicler who piece by piece builds a highly detailed assessment of what Scientology is doing around the world, and this is what he found for us []