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David Miscavige is gambling on Birmingham for Scientology success, and who knows why

 Rod Keller continues to keep us up to date on Scientology’s “Ideal Org” program, as David Miscavige pushes to open a number of new facilities one right after the []


Guelph quest: Scientology sets up temporary shop in Canadian town and faces stiff opposition

[Scientology’s new home for its CLO in Guelph]

Rod Keller keeps an eye on Scientology’s real estate moves around the world. And he’s got an update for us on what’s happening []

Scientology celebrates its disaster response in Florida, but struggles in Puerto Rico and Mexico

 Rod Keller keeps an eye on how Scientology’s “Volunteer Ministers” capers are turning out during this remarkably bad spate of natural []

Scientology got plenty of photo ops out of hurricanes in Texas and Florida. But did it help?

 Rod Keller brings us up to date on Scientology’s response to various natural disasters around the world this past []

Scientology leader David Miscavige has empty buildings all over the world — here’s a rundown

 Rod Keller keeps an eye on Scientology’s “Ideal Org” program for us, and he reminds us today of just how much empty real estate the church has lined up so David Miscavige can hold grand openings for years to []

Ideal and Ideal-er: England org coming soon will be Scientology to the max

 Scientology leader David Miscavige continues to push for new Ideal Org openings around the world, and tells his followers that the new orgs will bring in lots of new public to Scientology. That hasn’t happened, and Miscavige has blamed it on a number of reasons — most recently, that the orgs aren’t staffed up enough. []

Missouri school district boots sneaky Scientology front group after Underground Bunker article

 We are happy to give Underground Bunker senior reporter Rod Keller a victory lap this morning after his weekend story about a Scientology front group got quick results. Here’s Rod with the []

Scientology’s slick (and bogus) drug education program snares another school district

 Rod Keller once again catches Scientology worming its way into unsuspecting classrooms and police departments with its sneaky front []

How badly does Scientology need new staff? Miscavige is bringing back the ‘Universe Corps’

 Rod Keller is all over a new development that Scientology is rolling out in []

The island nation that is proving to be a refuge for the Church of Scientology

 Rod Keller helps us keep an eye on Scientology overseas, and he has this report for us about []