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David Miscavige went to ‘Crazy Town’ at Scientology’s Austin Ideal Org opening!

Yesterday, Scientology leader David Miscavige made his triumphant return to the “Ideal Org” program by showing up to open the new org in Austin, Texas. And what did he talk about? He talked about crazy []


Lawrence Wright weighs in on Scientology opening Austin ‘Ideal Org’ in his town

 This afternoon, in the fair city of Austin, Texas, Scientology leader David Miscavige is scheduled to resume his “Ideal Org” project with the first grand opening of a new facility in four []

Shelly Miscavige: More about the place where she registered to vote, but is she still there?

[Shelly and the vault at Petrolia]

Last month, those of us interested in the whereabouts of Scientology leader David Miscavige’s wife Shelly Miscavige — who has not been seen at Scientology events since 2005 — were surprised to learn from an anonymous tip at Reddit that she had been registered to vote in 2017 at an []

Austin, Chicago & Mexico City: Here’s why you’re getting new Scientology churches now

[It’s been more than four years since the last time Dave released balloons]

The situation has been shifting and changing, but it’s now looking more realistic that Scientology leader David Miscavige will open the new “Ideal Orgs” he promised in Austin (Feb 24), Mexico City (March 1), and Chicago (March 3), with another opening in Paris []

Building a Scientology prison camp meant ducking for cover when planes flew by

[An aerial shot from ‘Missing in Happy Valley’]

“Break time!” These words came to me across the valley with urgency. Then I heard other voices repeating the signal. It was a code. It meant that I should stop what I was doing, drop any tools, and immediately walk, not run, to a place where I would []

Giving birth (shhhh, silently!) in Scientology: What is that really like?

 One of the accepted beliefs in Scientology is that founder L. Ron Hubbard knew everything about everything, no exceptions. Honestly, I’m not sure why that was accepted. I don’t call my orthopedic surgeon’s office or my attorney’s office and ask questions about why my eye hurts, I don’t call my attorney to ask him what []

Scientology’s Sea Org: Almost no pay and no sleep, but plenty of swearing and smoking!

 Why do Sea Org members smoke and swear so much? I think the first time I remember hearing a swear word was when I was around four. By the age of five, I was swearing like a sailor. By 15 I was in the adult RPF, smoking nearly a pack a day of []

Love, Scientology style: How hard can it be to find a Clear date?

 We want to thank Alex Barnes-Ross for bringing us this gem today.

“Apostate Alex” keeps his eye on Scientology social media, and found the following exchange at one of the groups were Scientologists interact with each []

PODCAST: She spied on the FBI for Scientology and lived to tell about it

 Readers have been raving about the pieces that Val Ross has been writing for us lately, so we thought it would be fun to have a conversation with her for our latest podcast []

Ribbon watch: Will Austin outsprint Paris for Scientology ‘Ideal’ glory?

 It’s like Kremlinology over here as we attempt to read the tea leaves and figure out where Scientology leader David Miscavige is going to have his next “Ideal Org” grand opening and make another of his very rare public []