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Is Leah Remini’s advocacy against Scientology keeping her from an honor she deserves?

We noticed that the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce recently announced nominations are open again for the next crop of stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. That got us thinking about the names you find on Hollywood Boulevard and looking at who got stars and when. (Surely, you’ve gone down this rabbit hole yourself, []


Scientology email claims massive new construction plans by year end

It did occur to us, when we watched Scientology leader David Miscavige open four long-delayed “Ideal Org” projects in quick succession in Austin, Mexico City, Chicago, and Paris, that it cleared the decks of new []

Rebecca Minkoff’s Scientology involvement in the news, thanks to ‘RHONY’

[Deadline’s illustration when they broke the news]

We want to thank the numerous readers who sent us links to news breaking out all over the place about Rebecca Minkoff, her Scientology upbringing, and Real Housewives of New []

Two can play that game: Leah Remini presses for another judge change

[Leah Remini and defendant David Miscavige]

We’re still stunned by what happened yesterday in Los Angeles, where Scientology leader David Miscavige sent his personal attorney Jeffrey Riffer down to Superior Court before a scheduled hearing in Jane Doe’s forced-marriage []

Judge to rule that Jane Doe has proved Scientology arbitration ‘unconscionable’

 Last night, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert Broadbelt posted his tentative ruling before today’s hearing in Jane Doe 1’s forced-marriage lawsuit, and wow, it’s the kind of thing that many people have been waiting to hear about Scientology “religious arbitration” from a judge for a long []

The new season of Scientology TV is here! Can an NFL legend finally get someone to watch?

For years we were hearing that it was coming: David Miscavige was going to launch a Scientology TV channel. It finally happened on March 12, 2018 with a remarkable few minutes of Miscavige himself broadcasting from the Flag Building in []

Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s nightmare year, 1951, told in news clippings

[L. Ron Hubbard and Sara Northrup in 1951]

Even today, more than 70 years later, you will hear about L. Ron Hubbard’s near-miraculous transformation in 1950 from a modestly well known pulp fiction writer into a sensationally known expert on the human mind with the publication of his bestseller, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental []

What Alex Barnes-Ross told East Grinstead councillors about Scientology abuses

2.45pm. East Court. East Grinstead. Suited and booted, documents in hand. It’s showtime.

Today, after five months of back-and-forth with East Grinstead Town Council over their close association with the Church of Scientology, I finally set foot in the local government offices for the first time for a face-to-face meeting with two elected []

What awaits you at the end of Scientology’s long, arduous journey

[Last time, Val Ross told us about working as a spy at the FBI after its raid on Scientology in 1977. She’s working on a subsequent installment in her tale, but in the meantime sent us this fascinating look at what she’s going through right now.]

Since 2013 I’ve been working with an attorney who is []

Scientology’s obsession with secrecy is in its DNA, and it results in absurdities

Obsession with secrets and secrecy is an integral aspect to the bizarre world of Scientology. It seems to me that it stems from some kind of megalomanic paranoia of the founder of that cult, Lafayette Hubbard, and of his successor, David []