[Phil and Willie Jones and their children Mike and Emily, before disconnection]
Earlier this year, Phil and Willie Jones came to us when they wanted to raise money for a billboard in Los Angeles that would urge Scientologists disconnected from their families to pick up the phone and call their loved ones. Our readers came through […]
[Rigina Hikmatulina and her mother, Dina Tylevich, in a photo taken yesterday for the Underground Bunker]
Rigina is back. But is she there to […]
After the readers of this website once again came through for former Scientologists Phil and Willie Jones, contributing several thousand dollars for another “Call Me” billboard to raise awareness of Scientology’s “disconnection” policy, the Las Vegas couple are announcing that they have signed a contract for a billboard in Clearwater, […]
We turn to the Underground Bunker’s Russian-language wing to help us with a story developing in Kazakhstan that has generated some excitement over at WhyWeProtest.net and elsewhere. And even with expert translation assistance, this story is a bit batty and we’d like to get it more completely sorted […]
Fresh off of their media conquest in Los Angeles, former Scientologists Phil and Willie Jones have a new target for their bright idea to highlight Scientology’s toxic “disconnection” policy with a prominent billboard near a major church […]
[Dee McMurdie and Lori Hodgson]
We told you recently that a new source, a current member of the Church of Scientology, had sent us a small collection of documents (with promises that more are forthcoming). The first document we published was a really entertaining internal memo showing how, in 2008, the church was panicking about the […]
Phil and Willie Jones won’t rest. Despite the success of their Echo Park billboard that got a ton of media attention, the Las Vegas couple was back in Los Angeles yesterday with another mission to raise awareness about Scientology’s toxic policy of ‘disconnection.’ When Phil told us what they had planned, we asked him to […]
Twice, the Church of Scientology managed to head off Phil and Willie Jones as they attempted to get a billboard put up in Los Angeles about the organization’s toxic “disconnection” policy. The couple, former church members who live in Las Vegas, signed contracts with Outfront Media and Regency Outdoor, but both caved to pressure from […]
[Brian Sheen meets Miss Lovely, journalist Paulette Cooper]
Last July, we told you the complex saga of Brian Sheen, a Florida man whose grown daughter cut him out of her life on instructions of the Church of Scientology for reasons that were maddeningly […]
After two previous companies turned them down, Phil and Willie Jones were successful today in Los Angeles with their plan to protest Scientology’s disconnection policy with a billboard asking Scientologists to call their loved […]