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A day in the life of a pilgrim at Scientology’s spiritual mecca in Florida!

 We want to thank reader Richard for sending in some really fun material from Scientology in one of its most recent publications. It’s the kind of happy propaganda that we can never get enough []


Scientology on the Autobahn: Selling blue sky to the Germans and Swiss back in the day

[Bruce Hines]

Bruce Hines has another piece for us today from his time in Scientology. Make sure you see his earlier pieces for us here, and []

How Scientology broke my spirit with its insidious methods of thought reform

 Last month, Bruce Hines shared with us his gripping story of escaping from Scientology with a risky flight from New York. Today he takes us back a few years, to his lowest point in the Sea Org, Scientology’s dedicated corps that requires its members to sign billion-year contracts, and its notorious prison program, the RPF. []

After Scientology’s 9-11 fakery, a Sea Org slave makes his dicey run for freedom

[Bruce Hines at the time he was in the Sea Org, with his sister Lindy]

Over at the Daily Beast today we have a story looking back at Scientology’s reaction to the 9-11 attacks in New York for the 20th anniversary of that infamous day. In the story, we featured Bruce Hines, who was actually on []