With both of them working on the same television series, NBC’s Chicago Fire, we knew it was only a matter of time before two actors who are favorites of readers here at the Underground Bunker got together for a laugh.
We’ve been writing about Jason Beghe since 2008, when he made a very public exit from Scientology. Christian Stolte we got to know more recently when he defended Leah Remini on Twitter and skewered Scientologist celebrities like Kirstie Alley.
In the series, Stolte plays a fire lieutenant, while Beghe plays a cop playing a very complex game of corruption-as-investigative-tool. (You have to watch the show, it’s really something.)
So this week, the two veteran TV actors caught up with each other, and they told us the subject of the Underground Bunker came up. Both are avid readers, they tell us, and Stolte is a commenter from way back (though we will not reveal his handle).
They even snapped a photo for us, and we are thrilled (that’s Stolte on the left and Beghe on the right, for newcomers)…

We asked Chris for a caption, and he sent us this:
It kind of broke my heart when Paul Thomas Anderson ultimately steered away from the subject, so if anyone is interested in making a real movie about the history of Scientology, I know a couple of SP’s who’d love to take a swing at playing Hubbard and Miscavige. Think about it, Hollywood. It’s time.
Wow. Show ’em the love, people.
A head’s up for our readers: Tomorrow morning’s post may show up a little late, as we await word from our man in Paris, Jonny Jacobsen, about France’s highest court and its decision about the Church of Scientology’s appeal. An appellate court already upheld Scientology’s fraud conviction in that country, and tomorrow morning we’ll learn how the Cour de Cassation, France’s highest court, has ruled on the appellate court’s decision. For a ton of background on the case, please see Jonny’s blog, Infinite Complacency, where he’s put together a four-part series explaining the history of this complex litigation. He tells us we may get word of this latest court decision at about 8 am Eastern, and he’ll provide us with a summary when it happens.
Posted by Tony Ortega on October 15, 2013 at 15:20
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