 [Judge Nicholas Garaufis and Keith Raniere]Nxivm leader Keith Raniere may want to rethink this notion about going to trial next week. In another blow to his chances, Judge Nicholas Garaufis has denied his attempt to suppress explicit images of a 15-year-old girl that were found on one of his hard drives after a search of a townhouse in Halfmoon, New York last year. Continue reading NXIVM: Judge denies Keith Raniere’s attempt to suppress child porn images
 [Judge Nicholas Garaufis and Keith Raniere]Judge Nicholas Garaufis just took a sledgehammer to Nxivm leader Keith Raniere’s final hopes for having some or all of the various charges he’s facing dismissed before next week’s trial starts. Continue reading Scientology escaping justice is no reason Nxivm should, Judge rules before trial
 [Glenn Marcus and Keith Raniere]Nxivm leader Keith Raniere, through his attorney Marc Agnifilo, struck back at a motion in limine by prosecutors that sought to set some last-minute ground rules for Raniere’s trial, which is scheduled to begin on May 7. Continue reading NXIVM: Keith Raniere poses no threat, his lawyer says, so witnesses should be named fully

Prosecutors are pushing back hard at Nxivm leader Keith Raniere’s claim that explicit images of a 15-year-old girl found in an FBI search on a hard drive in his possession were from 2005 and too old to include in Raniere’s upcoming trial, scheduled to begin on May 7. Continue reading NXIVM: Prosecutors push back on Keith Raniere’s attempt to suppress explicit images
 [Keith Raniere]Nxivm leader Keith Raniere has already successfully kept child sexual assault and child porn charges severed from his upcoming trial. Can he keep the evidence of those child porn images out of the trial as well? Continue reading Nxivm leader Keith Raniere: FBI had warrant for 2015, but child porn images from 2005
 [Keith Raniere]More trouble for Nxivm leader Keith Raniere emerged yesterday as jury selection began in a trial that will feature him as the sole defendant now that the others, including Smallville actress Allison Mack, have pleaded guilty. Continue reading NXIVM: Prosecutors will paint picture of Keith Raniere’s interest in young girls
 [Judge Nicholas Garaufis and Keith Raniere]Now that Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman got her sweet deal and Nxivm bookkeeper Kathy Russell got her slap on the wrist, the government is making final preparations for its showdown with Nxivm leader Keith Raniere. Continue reading NXIVM: Prosecutors ask judge to protect victims and guard against jury nullification
 [Keith Raniere]Yesterday, we covered the big breaking news that Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman and bookkeeper Kathy Russell both entered guilty pleas just a few weeks before trial is to begin in the Nxivm prosecution. That leaves only Nxivm leader Keith Raniere left to stand trial beginning May 7. Continue reading With Clare and Kathy out, Nxivm leader Keith Raniere faces sex slavery trial alone
 [Clare Bronfman leaves court after pleading guilty. Photo by VillageDianne]We just spoke with VillageDianne, who was in the courtroom as Seagram heiress Clare Bronfman pleaded guilty to two felonies that Judge Nicholas Garaufis said would have her facing a sentence of 21 to 27 months in prison. Continue reading NXIVM: CLARE BRONFMAN PLEADS GUILTY TO 2 FELONIES, FACES 21 to 27 MONTHS

UPDATE: We’ll have a correspondent at the courthouse this afternoon as Clare Bronfman and Kathy Russell plead guilty. That only leaves Keith Raniere — will Vanguard take on the prosecutors all on his own? Continue reading Press roundup: HBO will give Nxivm the ‘Going Clear’ treatment