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A true patriot goes RINO hunting and Twitter goes mad

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A true patriot goes RINO hunting and Twitter goes []


For Q patriots, the pestilence from the satanic Dumbocrats never ends

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Is there no end to the pestilence being thrust upon on us by our satanic Dumbocrat friends and []

Although Jan 6 hearings show top aides knew it was a Big Lie, Q patriots are doubling down

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It was a coup []

Jan 6 committee focus on Trump is ignoring the ongoing GOP elephant running amok

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Trump floats pardon plan for 2025, and Q patriots don’t seem []

Focusing on Pence’s experience, the Jan 6 committee reveals scary new details

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For Q patriots, the Jan 6 hearings have produced new traitors to []

Regrets in MAGA-land? While ‘Baby Q’ frets, the plan to take over your ballot advances

[Austin Steinbart, aka baby Q]

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Don’t look now, but the QAnon plan to take over secretary of state posts is gaining []

Bill Barr’s testimony has patriots wondering if he was always a satanic commie clone

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Bill Barr’s testimony to the Jan 6 committee, and his dismissive rejection of the claims in the ‘2000 Mules’ film, have Q patriots wondering if he was always a satanic commie []

As the Jan 6 committee bores in on Big Lie, Trump fires back with more of the same

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Rudy’s legal advice comes with bonus []

While the JFK cult dances in Dallas, the Jan 6 committee today takes on the Big Lie

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Q patriots eagerly await the return of their []

Patriot Front members planned riot near Idaho Pride event, police say

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Those sneaky satanic libturds are depraved, but thankfully the Q patriots are always one step ahead of []