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Trump campaign throws Q patriots a bone as rage following raid continues

[From “A Nation in Decline”]

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In an apparent 2024 campaign video, “A Nation in Decline,” the Trump team appears to include a song that’s a QAnon dog whistle. And Q patriots wonder, when will Trump reveal that he’s []


Nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago? Q patriots shrug and prepare their nail guns for war

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Q patriots rage at the FBI after the Mar-a-Lago raid, as you would []

Jan 6 riot participant decided to attack FBI in Cincy, and paid for it with his life

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Attorney General Merrick Garland’s statement about approving the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago did not go down well with Q []

Death threats and instant rallies: After the raid, Q patriots are unhinged

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 Patriots are []

After the Mar-a-Lago raid, patriot bluster about a ‘civil war’ is off the charts

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After the Mar-a-Lago raid, patriot bluster about a ‘civil war’ is off the []

Mar-a-Lago raided by FBI while Trump in NYC, and Q patriots prepare for ‘war’

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Early reactions from Q patriots to the news of an FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago were []

When a delusional ‘targeted individual’ decides to act out his Internet fantasies

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What would Q patriots do with themselves if they didn’t have an imagined looming disaster to kvetch []

CPAC gold: ‘We are all domestic terrorists’

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Q patriots wishing they’d finished Pence off on January []

Alex Jones hit for $45 million in punitive damages, but will it stop him?

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And this is just for two of the Sandy Hook families, []

After $4 million verdict and phone blunder, troubles for Jones may just be starting

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