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Lonely Q patriots take heart: MTG is on the market!

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She’s on the market, []


Trump keeps winding up the Q patriots on social media: Nothing can stop what’s coming!

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Trump keeps winding up the Q patriots on social media. No one can stop what’s []

Nearly a year later, the Q patriots waiting for the return of JFK/JFK Jr are wacky as ever

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The JFK/JFK Jr racket is a persistent []

Q patriots can’t wait to take over the mainstream media when the storm comes

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Q patriots can’t wait to take over the mainstream media when the storm []

Q patriots glad to be caught up in the most important conflict in history of good and evil

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Q patriots are just glad to be caught up in the most important conflict in the history of good and []

‘Counter-sue her butt!’ Q patriots react to Trump being sued by NY AG Letitia James

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‘Counter-sue her butt!’ Q patriots react to Trumps being sued by NY AG Letitia []

Mar-a-Lago docs: Q patriots figure Trump is setting an elaborate trap for the Dumbocrats

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While the latest news about the Mar-a-Lago documents sounds bad, Q patriots figure 45 is setting an elaborate trap for the satanic []

Trump explains his OT powers: I can declassify documents with my mind

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It was a big day of losses for Donnie. []

Hardee’s manager: Lindell and FBI are lying, raid didn’t happen at our store

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A noticed difference at the most recent []

Q patriots: Trump’s body double has been awfully busy lately

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Some grifter moll made the King Grifter look bad? It must be a fake photo or a fake Trump, Q patriots []