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Q patriots have the best cures: Drink it up!

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Q patriots have the best []


MTG appears to be about to release a Christian Nationalist screed and Bible

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MTG, going to the next []

Pro-Trump ad hits DeSantis for his (supposed) pudding-fingers

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Oh, those []

Trump, unhappy with having to testify, refers to AG Letitia James as ‘a racist’

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This liaison gets worse and []

The Q-flavored political candidates took a beating, but they aren’t going away

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Q candidates aren’t going []

New patriot panic: AI will make demon summoning easier

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Sounds []

Q patriot voter intimidation tactics are having an effect: So long, democracy!

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So long, []

Justice Thomas friend Crow has a thing for Hitler memorabilia, it turns out

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The grift goes on and []

Boebert: Jesus died for lack of an assault rifle, so don’t make the same mistake

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The grift goes on and []

Left and right conspiracy fans can agree on one thing: FedNow is the devil incarnate

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 Fever dreams from the left and []