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Oh, snap: Rudy Giuliani hit with $148 million judgment in defamation case

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Foreign cash through the NFT trading cards (at $99 a pop)? Clever, Trump!

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Jacob Chansley, the Q Shaman, rebrands for a run at Congress

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Court cases? Gag orders? Criminal charges? The grift must go on (and on)

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Trump now says he was just joking about becoming dictator

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Alex Jones: “Let’s thank white people for electricity and airplanes and medicine.”

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Taylor Swift’s run of success has right-wing talk show boys losing their minds

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Q patriots excited about Trump dictatorship: Let the libturd executions begin!

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Have you been naughty or nice, Q patriots? Someone’s checking his list.

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Trump lawyer: Give it up judge, there are no rules holding back my client

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