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Why do conspiracies proliferate on the web? Because it’s so profitable.

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Did the Satanists who run Hollywood really think they could send out their secret pedophile messages during the Oscar broadcast without patriots picking up on it? Ha, think []


Q patriots watched last night wishing the mass arrests had started with the Oscars

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While the Satanist baby-eaters were giving each other Oscars on the teevee last night, patriots wistfully dreamed they were witnessing mass arrests []

Q patriots save the children, ponder time travel, defend their beef burgers

[Photo by Travis View (see below)]

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Q patriots: They’ll take my hamburger from my cold, dead []

All eyes on Arizona as the vote recount resumes after a pause

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The party of the satanic pedophiles files to stop the Arizona []

Q patriots urged to dance through all this waiting for the storm

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The House approved DC statehood and Q patriots are wondering what’s real []

Q patriots debate whether the vaccinated are dangerous to be around

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The vaccinated bear the mark of the beast, or []

Q patriots treat verdict as a joke because they think Floyd still alive or Chauvin is an ‘actor’

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Q patriots either figure George Floyd faked his death or the guy in the trial is an actor playing Derek Chauvin, so the guilty verdict was mostly a []

Relax, patriots: Med beds will cure your sentient-fibers Morgellons infestation

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Fortunately, your med bed will handle your Morgellons []

Q patriots root for mayhem in the streets because it fits the conspiracy

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“Happy days are here []

Prince Philip’s funeral gives plenty for Q patriots to spin as signs of the coming ‘storm’

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It has to be exhausting to be this []