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Patriots reminisce about first discovering Q, and are wistful about the future

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Q patriots look back at where they’ve []


Q patriots wonder: Will the power of prayer be enough to return Trump to the White House?

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Will the power of prayer be enough to return Trump to the White []

As they move offline, Q activists are turning to other ways to harass reporters, school boards

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Want to expose yourself to a lethal virus? Q patriots have your []

Q is so pervasive because it treats the #1 affliction among dissatisfied whites: Boredom

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Q patriots see evidence everywhere that Trump is still in []

Our favorite QAnon wrinkle: JFK Jr emerging from Mt. Rushmore to join the Trump ticket

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Nothing Q patriots enjoy more than showing up the []

Our current mess: What happens when people take the Bible to be a movie they’re living in

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After months of none of their fantasies coming true, Q patriots stop and take []

Congressional enablers met dozens of times with Jan 6 rioters: Rolling Stone

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Obama showed up for some Virginia campaigning, and Q patriots unloaded on []

Woman says she’s been undercover MAGA since Nov ’20, will be spilling tea

[She’s been recording ‘racist, antisemitic’ MAGAs for more than a year (see thread below)]

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Child dies at 2 months, Q patriots heap abuse on mom for having been []

Are Q patriots giving up on Trump? ‘Wake up,’ says one young woman

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Q patriots react to video of a woman saying that Trump is not coming back and “it’s up to []

Q patriots wanted military control didn’t they? But now they’re worried it’s coming?

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Wasn’t the military taking over supposed to be a good thing? Now it’s a bad []