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Q patriots, who yearn for military slaughter in the US, watch Ukraine with wistful eyes

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Q patriots have spent years yearning for the day the Emergency Broadcast System shows up on American televisions to proclaim that the storm has arrived and the military has begun executions of satanic Dumbocrat leaders. Now, with actual emergency broadcasts being aired in Ukraine as their hero Vlad Putin begins []


American conservatives siding with Russia didn’t begin with Tucker Carlson

 We were grateful to see our old friend Roy Edroso post this story at his substack. He generously gave us permission to reprint it here when we told him we thought our readers would find it helpful to understand what is going on in these insane times. Please consider subscribing to Roy’s newsletter at this []

What happens if you invite your unvaxxed Q-crazy relatives to your wedding

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Our question is, who’s inviting Q patriots to their wedding at this []

It’s a new morning in America: Trump’s Truth Social launches on Presidents Day

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It’s a new morning in []

Understanding international politics is tough enough without your fantasy about the ‘storm’

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Understanding international politics is tough enough without having to fit everything into your fantasy about the []

Canada gets its own QAnon shaman as things continue to stay stupid up north

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Ottawa police and their warning about kids being present in the ‘convoy’ protests: Red meat for Q []

Q was just recycling garbage that had been barfed up by ‘Ancient Aliens’

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Following the []

Calling for civil war because the grocery store is out of your cream cheese? Sure, patriot.

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Q patriots puzzle out Trump’s statements because everything, including Covid, has been part of the []

With Lindell’s pillows coming to Ottawa truckers, Canada nearly equals batshit US

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Pillow guy to the []

Americans largely funded Canada convoy, patriots plan US version: Fury Road is coming

 Some links to Q-related items today…

When the new Cue home Covid test Super Bowl commercial came on, Q patriots naturally heard []