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PHOTO: Jenna Elfman emceeing Scientology’s concert, and more IAS fallout

Once again we have Alex Barnes-Ross to thank after he sent over the photo you see above, our first image of Jenna Elfman actually emceeing last week’s Scientology IAS charity concert, which occurred on the final night of the big IAS three-day series of events at Saint Hill Manor in East Grinstead, []


PODCAST: Big protest planned for Scientology in England, and Alex fills us in

 We’ve really enjoyed working with Alexander “Apostate Alex” Barnes-Ross lately, and we’re pretty thrilled by the idea that he’s planned a major protest to greet Scientologists on their way to the IAS gala in East Grinstead, England this coming []

Brit paper in ’66 outed Scientology spy ops that spookily anticipate Leah Remini’s case

Brit paper in ’66 outed Scientology spy ops that spookily anticipate Leah Remini’s case

One reason why Leah Remini’s lawsuit is so important is that it is taking head-on the practice by Scientology to stalk, smear, and in general retaliate against people it considers its enemies with the use of private []

Scientology wants large portion of Bixler suit stricken — even before new version arrives

Scientology’s attorneys have thrown yet another curveball at Danny Masterson’s victims, who are suing the That ’70s Show actor and convicted serial rapist as well as the Church of Scientology for what they say has been years of harassment after coming forward to the LAPD with their allegations in []

PODCAST: Trish Conley and her sister Liz on how Scientology destroyed their family

 It was pretty big news around here last month when “Ellen,” the woman who we featured in our 2015 story about a Scientology “Daycare from Hell,” decided to come forward and identify herself []

Scientology whines in court again, and this time we’re the direct beneficiaries

[Scientology attorneys Forman and Mangels are not happy with Judge Kalra]

It should not surprise you to hear that Scientology’s attorneys are not happy again. But this time, they’re actually unhappy with a []

PHOTO: More Scientology enforcers who were ID’d at the Danny Masterson trial

[Chris and Miranda Scoggins: Don’t use the ‘R’ word]

One of the surprises to come out of the Danny Masterson trial was a photo of one of Scientology’s most elusive and notorious figures, a “master at arms” enforcer named Julian []

Sworn testimony on Scientology harassment in Leah Remini’s lawsuit

Last week we told you that Leah Remini had augmented her lawsuit against Scientology by submitting a motion to the court asking for an []

Court today: Masterson victims want to resume lawsuit, Scientology wants it kept on ice

[Scientology attorney William Forman and Danny Masterson]

Danny Masterson’s victims are expecting their civil lawsuit against him and against the Church of Scientology to resume today after Masterson’s September 7 sentencing, but Scientology’s attorneys are arguing that the lawsuit be kept in limbo. We’ll have someone there at Los Angeles Superior Court to let us know []

Scientology gets another journalist fired for daring to print the truth

 Like so many other online enterprises, InsideTheMagic started as a fan website from someone who wanted to write about his obsession. Created in 2005 as a podcast by Disney fan Ricky Brigante, the website grew to become a nexus for other Disney []