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How desperate is Scientology to find people for its New Year’s event? This desperate.

Back on November 18, we told you about a flier that was forwarded to us that indicated Scientology was going to try to follow the success of its IAS gala in England by reviving its New Year’s tradition in Los []


Undercover investigation: Scientology’s dangerous games with mental health care

Last night, an undercover investigation of Scientology was aired on Radio Canada TV.

Host Marie-Maude Denis and reporter Gaétan Pouliot focused their three-month investigation on Scientology’s Quebec Org, located in the Saint-Roch district in Quebec City. This was for the show called Enquéte, which in English means []

‘Brothers Broken’ gets its New York premiere, with Mike Rinder and your Proprietor

[A previous movie premiere, ‘Going Clear’ at Sundance in 2015]

What would you do if every day you woke up to a nightmare? Mine was being trapped in a cult for 46 []

Judge removes some allegations from lawsuit by Danny Masterson victims

Yesterday we told you about the hearing in Judge Upinder Kalra’s courtroom that featured a pretty entertaining argument over Scientology ‘Fair Game,’ and ended with Judge Kalra saying that he was going to take Scientology’s request to strike material from the Bixler lawsuit under []

PODCAST: Fresh off protest success, getting into a Scientology org to judge its futility

Alex Barnes-Ross, the former London Scientology staffer who goes by ‘Apostate Alex,’ just can’t stop getting into []

PODCAST: Apostate Alex says things really got weird on Day 3 of the IAS protest

On Friday, we had a great time checking in with Alex Barnes-Ross after what turned out to be a very successful day protesting Scientology’s IAS gathering at Saint Hill Manor in East Grinstead, []

Tom Cruise goes black tie for Scientology at ‘Patrons Ball’ in England

What a weekend Scientology had!

The return of the International Association of Scientologists gala to Scientology’s UK headquarters — Saint Hill Manor in East Grinstead, England — after a four year absence was more than even we had dared to dream. It had everything, from the triumphant return of Scientology’s leader, David Miscavige, to the dramatic []

Scientology protest goes off without a hitch, and Tom Cruise made the scene

We hope you joined our live conversation yesterday afternoon with Alex Barnes-Ross, who was in an East Grinstead pub and told us about his adventures protesting at Scientology’s UK []

PODCAST: Has Scientology nixed the protest’s road closure? Alex has the update

 Yesterday we told you that Alexander “Apostate Alex” Barnes-Ross had succeeded at getting the main road to Scientology’s UK headquarters shut down for his planned protest and march, making it a challenge for the Scientologists to get to their event, which begins on []

This guy was so upset after Scientology, he spilled the OT 3 secrets in a 1974 classified ad!

 One of the most important concepts in Scientology is that it harbors fantastic secrets about the nature of the universe, but you aren’t allowed to learn them until you’ve spent several years and lots of money to prove your dedication to the []