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Mark Bunker doesn’t get a second term, but he won’t stop exposing Scientology

In 2020, Mark Bunker was in a five-way race for a seat on Clearwater, Florida’s city council, and he received a plurality of 6,170 votes and a stunning []


Val Ross: What it was like to infiltrate the FBI for Scientology

 This is important to know: A lot of what I’m telling here is because I did something most people in my position didn’t do — I never stopped writing letters []

Danny Masterson victims calmly answer Scientology’s latest whine in lawsuit

On Wednesday, a hearing is scheduled in the Bixler v. Scientology lawsuit, the one filed by Danny Masterson’s victims against the imprisoned Scientology celebrity and against the church []

Make room, Long Islanders: Scientology’s Gatsbys are moving in!

We want to thank all the readers who forwarded us the news out of Long Island this week after a business publication there broke the story that Scientology had plunked down $15.2 million for a 62,500-square-foot office building in []

PODCAST: Phil Jones on the billboard, Scientology, and the Aftermath Foundation

 What a week Phil Jones has had, with his stealth operation in Los Angeles to put up a billboard on behalf of the Aftermath Foundation, and then the controversy that then []

Aftermath Foundation billboard pulled down, and ClearChannel isn’t saying why

[Phil Jones and his newest billboard on Monday morning.]

When we spoke to Phil Jones last night, he had just arrived back home in Canada after his flight from Los Angeles, and he sounded tired and a bit bewildered by what he’d been through over the last few []

News report says Leah Remini’s Scientology suit ‘gutted’ — but the ruling says otherwise

[No surprises in Judge Hammock’s ruling on Leah’s suit. So why pretend there was?]

On January 16, after Judge Randolph Hammock issued a tentative ruling in Leah Remini’s lawsuit against the Church of Scientology, the Courthouse News Service reported that the judge intended to grant parts of Scientology’s anti-SLAPP motions and “trim” Leah’s complaint, but her []

Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard is 113 today: Let’s celebrate with his own words!

Lafayette Ronald Hubbard was born 113 years ago today in Tilden, Nebraska, and the reason he’s still remembered today, more than 38 years after his death in January 1986, is that he was a pulp fiction hack who churned out turgid magazine dreck by the yard during the Great []

Jane Doe 1: Scientology’s forced arbitration shouldn’t apply in a lawsuit about sex abuse

[Judge Robert Broadbelt and defendant David Miscavige]

Two weeks from today, the forced-marriage lawsuit filed by Jane Doe 1 will face its biggest challenge so far, and one that readers here at the Bunker are only too familiar with: A motion from Scientology asking the court to force the case into its own internal “religious []

They’ve done it again! Billboard goes up adjacent to Scientology HQ in Los Angeles

It was April 2016 when we first launched our ‘Call Me’ billboards. The first one we did was in Los Angeles. From there we did a billboard in Clearwater, Florida and another in Los Angeles near the Scientology Media Productions site. There was lots of press that resulted which went on for some months afterwards. []