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Scientology routed: What the national press hasn’t figured out about the Trout Run defeat

[Councilman Jerry Donald, explaining why Trout Run is not really unique at all.]

Last week, a prominent local citizen of Frederick County, Maryland, assured one of our best sources that a majority on the county council had been convinced to vote no to putting a property known as Trout Run on the county’s list of historic []


Scientology, six degrees of separation, and Miss Lovely — author Paulette Cooper

[Paulette Cooper aboard the Leonardo da Vinci in 1970.]

We are continuing to make use of material we learned as we researched the amazing life of author Paulette Cooper, but which, for one reason or another, we were not able to use in our book about her, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, which was published last month. []

Listen to Jim Jones root for Scientology against Paulette Cooper in a 1978 Jonestown address

Now that we’re into a new month and our book, The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, is taking us on tours around the country (and soon across the pond), we’re going to begin posting material here that supplements our story about Paulette Cooper.

Miss Lovely is a book that looks at Paulette’s entire life, from her survival of []