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Raise a glass to the GOP heroes fighting Satan-worshipping libturd Dumbocrats

Another day in MAGA-land: ‘I love you, Donald Trump’

Trump: If I don’t win, the US will cease to exist

Libturds can’t handle this royal family and its fine-looking lawyer

Q patriots rejoice: He is risen!

Some links to Q-related items today

Continue reading Q patriots rejoice: He is risen!

Q patriot he-men: For $18,000 you too can train to be an alpha male

Trump reposts video with image of Biden bound: Libturd heads explode

March Madness: Michigan GOP state rep mistakes Gonzaga team bus for ‘migrant invasion’

Q patriots need evidence of wild kids-in-tunnels theories? AI video to the rescue!

Rejoice, Q patriots, just in time for Easter, it’s a $60 Trump Bible!