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You may have resisted the red pill so far, but it’s only a matter of time, normie

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You may have resisted the red pill so far, but it’s only a matter of time, []


‘God said it’s time’: Q patriots, still waiting for JFK Jr’s return, bring back his magazine

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After the Supreme Court strikes down Roe v Wade, Q patriots go for a victory []

Q patriots have girded their loins after years of digital war. They’re ready for their call up!

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Q patriots have girded their loins after years of digital warfare. They’re ready for their call []

Former Japan PM Shinzo Abe assassinated; Q patriots struggle to fit it into the plan

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Japan’s former prime minister, Shinzo Abe, was assassinated at a campaign stop by a man wielding a homemade firearm, and the Q patriots struggle to fit it into their models of the []

‘Satanic’ Georgia Guidestones leveled after explosion: Q patriots celebrate

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The Georgia Guidestones were considered satanic by some right wing Christians, which is funny because it was revealed in 2015 that the person who actually paid to put them up (and who tried to remain anonymous) was a virulently white supremacist surgeon and Christian in Iowa, Herbert Hinzie Kersten (1920-2005). []

The insurrectionists have a clubhouse in DC for plotting the next coup attempt

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The insurrectionists have a clubhouse. Do they have a secret handshake, []

Slain on the 4th of July: America’s rotten reality sinks in

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Q patriots are still convinced the jab is killing people in []

A happy 4th of July to all Q patriots and satanic libturd Dumbocrats alike!

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Who’s on watch as the next form of hate bubbles up from the []

New MAGA election strategy: Finish last, declare fraud, refuse to concede. Winning!

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Patriots are still grappling with news of the death of the man behind the ‘Zelenko Protocol,’ which they believe saved thousands from Covid. How could such a genius die of something as mundane as []

Q patriots mourn Covid conspiracy doc who promoted hydroxychloroquine

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