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Florida dodges a bullet as Laura Loomer loses (but she refuses to concede, naturally)

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That was a close one, []


Play the ‘sovereign citizen’ game in court, patriots, and you always lose. Always.

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Play the sov cit game, patriots, and you always lose. []

Q patriots bemoan tough times, but still hope the military comes to the rescue

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Q patriots have faced some tough times, but they are still hoping the military comes to []

The BBC digs into Canada’s QAnon queen, whose false claims are causing real damage

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The BBC digs into Canada’s []

The grift goes on and on: QAnon conference featuring Giuliani has $650 tickets

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The grift goes on and []

Q patriots are certain that Trump had kept copying machines busy before the FBI showed up

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Q patriots assure themselves that Trump had kept copying machines busy before the FBI showed up, and America’s nuclear secrets are still stashed at Mar-a-Lago []

After Wyoming results, Trump has Q patriots admiring his trolling of the Dumbocrats

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After the results in Wyoming, Trump has Q patriots admiring his trolling of the []

Ron ‘Q’ Watkins has gone dark Down Under: Trying to fit in and disappear?

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Ron’s Down Under adventure []

Q patriots ponder what an arrest of Donald Trump might mean for the coming storm

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Q patriots ponder what an arrest of Donald Trump might mean for the coming []

Q patriots shift from ‘planted evidence’ to ‘Trump did it, but so what?’

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How the narrative is []