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Q patriots greet Brittney Griner news with the compassion and sensitivity that you’d expect

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Q patriots greeted the news of Brittney Griner’s homecoming with the compassion and sensitivity that you’d []


Germany arrests Q-flavored extremists plotting to overthrow government

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Arrests of extremists in []

Trump Organization guilty of fraud, Trump can’t believe what a mess the country is

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Trump Organization found guilty on all 17 counts of fraud. Naughty, []

Kirstie Alley dies and Q patriots struggle to remember: What side was she on?

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At the news of Kirstie Alley’s death to cancer at 71, Q patriots struggle to remember what side she was []

Coups and strong men: Q patriots yearn for the military takeovers they see overseas

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Once again, Q patriots yearn for the strong-arm leadership enjoyed in other []

Nazi food fight at In-N-Out captures our dumb era perfectly

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Fuentes and Loomer v. MTG: It’s []

Nazi Twitter takes flight as Elon restores QAnon and other right-wing accounts

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Hey, Q patriots, what are your children listening []

Kanye West on Infowars with Alex Jones: ‘I see good things about Hitler also’

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Kanye on []

Daily Beast: QAnon influencer outs himself as a groomer in ill-conceived defamation suit

[Phil Godlewski]

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QAnon influencer outs himself as a []

Consequences: Oath Keepers founder is found guilty of sedition for the Jan 6 riot

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Q patriots are saying what []