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McCarthy prevails after bizarre scenes of GOP wackiness in House

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Matt Gaetz nominates Trump for speaker, and Q patriots rejoice

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The Q patriots are enjoying the Speaker of the House chaos a little too []

GOP chaos in the House continues, McCarthy getting pretty desperate

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McCarthy is still []

That wacky GOP: the vote for Speaker of the House is going swell

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The vote for Speaker of the House is going []

The antivaxx vultures immediately jumped on Bills player Damar Hamlin’s scary collapse

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The antivaxx vultures []

Jan 6 texts: Trump aides knew they were screwed

[Hope Hicks]

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Trump aides knew they were screwed after Jan []

Even the right wingers at OAN are asking, where’s Trump’s campaign?

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Q patriots still struggling to understand the Tate []

Q patriots struggle to fit the Andrew Tate arrest into their elaborate fantasies

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Q patriots struggle to fit the Andrew Tate arrest into their elaborate []

Greta’s takedown was the best, but be wary of the ‘pizza’ angle on Tate arrest

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Greta rules, but be careful of the pizza []

George Santos and his fibs: The Christmas gift that keeps on giving

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We need to see these Powerpoint presentations done in the White []