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GOP frontrunner keeps throwing red meat on social media to his Q patriot die-hards

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Q patriots still parsing the satanic elements of the Super Bowl halftime extravaganza!

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Joe joins TikTok and goes Dark Brandon for his pre-Super Bowl q&a

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Trump says if he loses, libturd Dumbocrats will change Pennyslvania’s name

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Tuck’s dud interview with Uncle Vladdy is fodder for Q patriot baking

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Trump wins Nevada as MAGA patriots taunt Nikki Haley with birth name

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Trump’s stalling tactics are working, and Q patriots can’t wait for November

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Libturd courts strip Trump of immunity, but Q patriots know it’s part of the plan

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Q patriots are busy decoding the Charles-Trump-Elvis mysteries of our time

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Trump is the spitting image of Elvis and the libturds can’t handle it

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