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Aaron Rodgers: Can he be both Sandy Hook truther and RFK Jr’s VP candidate?

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GOP candidate: ‘Countries that ban…flamethrowers are weak and gay’

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Night of the Long Knives for the RNC as Trumpism swamps even more of the GOP

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Hollywood holds satanic ritual out in the open as Q patriots say ‘I told you so’

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Satanic Hollywood predictably strikes back at new MAGA star with SNL parody

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FOX logic: Dumbocrats want unsafe air travel to keep you home to reduce emissions

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SOTU: A new MAGA star is born, and the libturd Dumbocrats can’t handle it

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Q patriots are stoked that a pilled candidate wins NC primary

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MAGA ladies (and gents) are thrilled with Super Tuesday results as 2020 rematch assured

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Supremes keep Trump on Colorado ballot as Q patriots cheer

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