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Alex Jones has had enough of Q promises, but Trump is secretly in Colorado! Honest!

[“I will not suffer you Q people after this.”]

Some links to Q-related items []


If the QAnon lady asked for your deets on Parler, would you fork them over?

 Some links to Q-related items []

Trump secretly flies to Texas for the coming storm — set your Q decoders to Red5!

 Some links to Q-related items []

Brought to you by the letter Q: Sorting through the rubble after yesterday’s horror

[The ‘Q Shaman,’ Jake Angeli, in November at AZ state capitol]

Some links to Q-related items []

A White House time traveler, and turning on police in DC as Pence’s day arrives

 Some links to Q-related items []

Clapping for Q: Trump sends secret message at rally with his applause

 Some links to Q-related items []

McConnell adds Section 230 repeal as a poison pill to kill $2,000 checks

 Because a website like The Underground Bunker can only exist because of Section 230, Scott Pilutik’s take on current legislation seems especially important.

Tonight is a busy night in Covid Relief Legislative Theater, so I’ll try to briefly summarize because it’s a bit confusing. []

Clare Bronfman, who funded Nxivm’s attacks on enemies, gets 6.75 years in prison

[Clare Bronfman during the trial]

Today Clare Bronfman was sentenced to 6.75 years in prison, which was more time than the prosecution was seeking. She was handcuffed in court and taken []

Hollywood fixture Paul Barresi files lawsuit against Trader Joe’s for bizarre incident

[Paul Barresi]

In April, the Daily Mail described Paul Barresi as a “notorious private investigator” who had been hired by Amber Heard to dig up dirt on her ex-husband Johnny Depp. According to that story, Heard’s request backfired when Barresi not only couldn’t find anyone with a bad word to say about the Pirates of the []

Understanding the clever politics of Chief Justice Roberts on Trump’s tax records

 Attorney Scott Pilutik wrestles with the news of the day, from a lawyerly perspective…

As a matter of judicial politics, Chief Justice John Roberts played the Presidential financial records cases masterfully, writing two 7-2 opinions that had the full buy-in of the court’s liberal wing. He easily disposed of the President’s preposterous claims as to the []