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Trump’s denouncement of McConnell is making patriots antsy for action

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With Trump denouncing McConnell, patriots are getting awfully []


Don’t eat the fake snow! It’s probably from chemtrails, patriot!

[Craig Ivey]

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It’s fake snow! Don’t fall for the globalist []

As Capitol prosecutions continue, patriots discuss rising up after March 4

[Matthew Bledsoe of Tennessee]

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Patriots wrestle with what’s going to happen next: If Trump doesn’t magically become president again on March 4, there’s more talk about taking matters into their own hands on March 5. []

Patriots relieved Trump acquitted, and things are going to remain weird

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Patriots were relieved that the Senate did not have enough votes to convict the former president, of course, but they worry that he may still face a vote under the 14th Amendment that would prevent him from holding office []

QAnon patriots: Hey, maybe Trump being convicted in this thing is part of the plan?

[What did they know and when did they know it?]

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Wait, if Trump is convicted in the impeachment trial, could that actually be part of ‘the []

While evidence mounts showing how bad the Capitol riot was, patriots hold firm

[Rachel Powell and the contents of her backpack]

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More patriots dealing with their own families disowning []

Patriots bolstered by Mike Lee’s tantrum and fantasies of Jan 6 being even more violent

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QAnon patriots are watching the impeachment trial with hopes the storm breaks out

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Six Republican senators joining in the vote confirming the impeachment trial as constitutional yesterday did not go over well with patriots, as you can []

‘Executions will be happening on March 5’: Patriots hold firm as Impeachment trial begins

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Mike Lindell’s 3-hour video “proof” of election fraud went down well with the patriots, of []

QAnon patriots marvel as our Satanic overlords showed their hand in halftime show

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Patriots braced themselves for what our Satanic overlords would put on for the Super Bowl halftime []