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Patriots love Lin Wood’s ‘Q’ gesture during Oklahoma speech

[Lin Wood punctuates his ‘Q’]

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When frequent posters Tammy, Deb Kay, and Starla try to have a conversation about mass []


Q patriots know what side they’re on when it comes to Putin and Biden

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Rootin’ for []

Q patriots convinced ‘med beds’ are about to arrive to cure disease, grow limbs

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Q patriots have a lot to say about “med beds,” which are just around the corner or []

Uh, FBI? You might want to see this map of the Capitol from December

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Come on, people, can’t you see that giving up the White House, Senate, and House to the Democrats is just part of the plan? Hold the []

Yeehaw! Lin Wood added to Dallas lineup for biggest Q gathering ever

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While the country wrestles with racial conflicts, Q patriots remain []

Hillary is having seizures at Gitmo, according to solid news source for Q patriots

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Thanks to these geniuses, the pandemic is going to be around for a while []

While some try to save the GOP from it, the conspiracy grift remains strong

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Some Republicans want to take the party back from the conspiracy cliff edge. How dare []

Q patriots react to the death of Prince Philip with taste and decorum

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Q patriots reacted to the death of Prince Philip with taste and []

Dallas patriot roundup: Q fans prove that the grift will go on and on

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While some patriots are getting used to the idea that Matt Gaetz is part of the problem, others are coming up with some pretty interesting defenses for him: “I was married when I was 16 if deep State is trying to get him in trouble with a 17 year old! []

Newsweek cover on aging gives Q patriots rare ‘I told you so’ thrills

 Some links to Q-related items today…

It’s all true! The Democrats really are satanic pedophiles drinking the blood of trafficked children! Q was right all []