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Q patriots love the libturds falling for Trump’s seeming to trash Kavanaugh

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When will patriots get the respect they []


Texas Democrats blocking voter suppression by fleeing the state triggers Q patriots

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Texas Dems are trying to prevent the passage of voter suppression legislation, and Q patriots aren’t having []

Nurses in Trumpland struggle with ‘Covid is a hoax’ nonsense as their patients die

[Photo from Washington Post]

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Q patriots at least have each other, even if their family members want to have them []

Q patriots ponder the meaning of tremors in California: Satanic tunnels collapsing?

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Quakes in California? It must be the military blowing up satanic tunnels! It’s the plan, []

QAnon may be less visible, but its ideas are still viral: Polls and the Republican voter

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The naysayers keep the Q patriots on []

Q patriots reassure each other that remaining unvaccinated is a MAGA sacrament

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How do the vaccinated look to you, []

John Kerry in Antarctica: Q-flavored conspiracies get nuttier by the day

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Our worlds are colliding over at the Scientology blog with former President Trump hiring OT 6 Scientologist John P. Coale to help him sue the Tech Giants. But there’s a lot more going on in Q country today

 Even Q didn’t promote the “JFK Jr still alive” nonsense, but in some []

Q patriots turn on Lin Wood and compare him to, gulp, Ron?

[Jim, Lin, and Ron]

Some links to Q-related items today…

Worlds colliding again. And poor Lin Wood, compared to… []

Aha! Proof that the election was stolen: Cheeto dust?

 Some links to Q-related items today…

Didn’t Mike Flynn say he had a surprise for July 4? How much more bewilderment can the Q patriots []

Ashli Babbitt, to Q patriots: Alive, dead, Trump supporter, Pence stooge? Who can tell anymore

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Ashli: Alive, dead, Trump supporter, Pence stooge? Who can tell []