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Anti-maskers attack breast cancer patient because patriotism, or something

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Family members are getting the jab and Q patriots aren’t having []


Ron ‘Q’ Watkins turns on Gen. Flynn? Is this the storm we keep hearing about?

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Libturds can never actually explain why they don’t like Donald Trump. It’s a []

Biden ridicules absurdity of QAnon, and Q patriots of course figure it’s part of the plan

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With Trump and DeSantis advocating the jab, what’s an anti-vaxx patriot to []

Q patriots get worked up over the spat between Rand Paul and Anthony Fauci

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Patriots get worked up over the spat between Rand and []

Tommy Davis’s sugar daddy Tom Barrack picked up on federal charges

 Former Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis is a favorite subject with a lot of our readers, and we are often asked for updates on []

Q patriots let their imaginations go wild with what’s under their feet

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Ooh, quiz time, []

QAnon a cult? No way, say Q patriots!

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Q patriots in a cult? Them’s fightin’ []

42 million Americans think Covid vaccine is a Bill Gates microchip conspiracy

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Testing Q patriots on their knowledge: Don’t be left []

‘Look, Ma!’ — More Capitol rioters arrested after bragging to their mothers

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“My friend keeps asking me are we []

Patriots worried the FBI eavesdropping on their plans for Trump’s August return

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Q patriots put out the alert that the FBI is watching []